21 December 2024


Prepared by Harinath Vemula for www.english143.in


SSC Model Paper-2 (Unit-2)


Time: 3hours                                                                                                       Max. Marks .80


I. Read the question paper carefully.

II. Answer the questions under Part-A in the answer booklet.

III. Write the answers to the questions under Part-B on the question paper itself.

IV. Avoid overwriting.


                                                                                                                                                                                 Marks 60

Q. No. (1-4) Read the following passage

Mrs. Jordan       : And now perhaps you'll tell us all about it.

Mrs. Slater        : Father had been merry this morning. He went out soon after breakfast to pay his insurance.

Ben                   : My word, it's a good thing he did.

Mrs. Jordan       : He always was thoughtful in that way. He was too honourable to have 'gone' without paying his premium.

Henry                : And when I came in I found him undressed sure enough and snug in bed.

Mrs. Slater        :  And when we'd finished dinner I thought I'd take up a bit of something on a tray. He was lying there for all the world as if he was asleep, so I put the tray down on the bureau- (correcting herself) on the chest of drawers – and went to waken him. (A pause) He was quite cold.

(A pause. They wipe their eyes and sniff back tears.)

Mrs. Slater        : (Rising briskly at length; in a business-like tone) Well, will you go up and look at him now, or shall we have tea.                              (The Dear Departed)

Answer each of the following questions in three to four sentences                                         4x3=12

1. Ben  : My word, it's a good thing he did. – Why do you think he said so?

2. Well, will you go up and look at him now, or shall we have tea. – What does this statement indicate?

3. Who is gone dead? Is he really dead? Why do they think so?

4. If you were Elizabeth Jordan, what would you do when you arrive at Amelia’s home?

Q. No. (5-8) Read the following passage         

When they passed a young tree, the potter grabbed a branch. But the horse did not stop. Instead the tree was pulled out of the ground. A sentry from the enemy camp saw the potter galloping towards the camp with a tree in one hand and his reins in the other. 'That must be the General who captured a tiger with his bare hands,' he thought. 'Now he has uprooted a tree with only one hand! He is not an ordinary man-he's a giant!' 'Run, run, save yourselves! The famous Tiger-General is coming at the head of a large army to attack us. He has the strength of a giant! He has uprooted a tree with one hand!'

The frightened soldiers fled. Their king was left by himself in his tent. Hurriedly he wrote a letter begging for peace and apologizing for attacking the country. He left this letter in the tent.

(The Brave Potter)

Answer each of the following questions in three to four sentences                                        4x3=12

 5. Why do you think the soldiers fled?

6. What was the letter written by the king? To whom had he written it? 

7. If you were the sentry of the enemy’s camp, what would you do?

8. Pick TWO FALSE statements according to the passage.

A. The enemies fled away.

B. The potter fought bravely with the enemies.

C. The potter knew how to ride a horse pretty well.

D. He asked his wife to help with the horse in the morning.

E. The king begged for peace and apologized.

Q. No. (9-12) The Flow-Chart given below provides information about what to do when a lamp doesn’t work. Study the Chart carefully and answer the following questions.                        4 X 2 = 8

        9. What does the Flow-Chart show?

10. What to do if the lamp doesn’t work?

11. What to do when the bulb burns out?

12. According to the flow chart when do we repair lamp?

Q. No. (13). Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions as directed and write them in the answer booklet.                        4X2=8

i) Childhood is the sweetest time in the life of a person. Childhood is the most beautiful time in the life of a person. ii) It is the time. One gets to explore everything and learn new things. iii) I also enjoyed my childhood to the fullest” said Harinath. iv) My Childhood was filled with happiness and innocence. v) I have played many games with my friends. I remember those days fondly and they always bring a smile to my face. vi) Childhood is the happiest stage of the life.

 i. Combine the two sentences with ‘and

ii. Combine the two sentences with ‘when’

iii. Change the sentence into reported speech.

iv. Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘not only … but also.’

v. Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Many games “

vi. Rewrite the sentence using ‘no other’.

Q. No. 14. In the lesson “The Dear Departed”, Mrs. Slater planned to bring down the bureau and the clock. Victoria said, “These are grandpa’s bureau and clock”. Mrs. Slater said, “Be Quiet, these are ours now”. What may be the feelings of Victoria? Describe feelings of Victoria.

           Your description should reflect these ideas - Who was Victoria? - in what relation she was with ‘Abel Merry Weather’ - her attitude towards her grandpa etc.                            10M


Tree is the most useful thing in the world. It is the actual life for every life. But for the greed of the people the global warming is being increased day to day. Now, keeping in view of the importance of the trees in the world prepare a speech script on “Tree Plantation” taking help from the following points.

           Greeting – importance of trees – present status (disappearance of trees – deforestations – problems …) need of plantation – reforestation – seedlings distribution responsibilities of students.


Q. No. 15.  Think that you were the president of ‘The Cultural Committee’ in your school. You have understood that many old people like ‘Merryweather’ are suffered by their children. You found it inhumanity. You discussed with your team and decided to conduct a debate/discussion on “Old age Problems and Solutions.” Now draft a notice to invite participants for the debate.                        5M


 Q. No. 16. Write a short profile (tabular) using the information given in the answer for the question.

The one and only Indian women shuttler ever won the Olympic medal is Pusarla Venkata Sindhu. People call her PV Sindhu. The Indian Women Badminton player was born on 5th of July, 1995 into a sports family. One can proudly say that she was born in Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana.

               Not only her father, P.V. Ramana, but also her mother, P.V. Vijaya, are volley ball players. Though they are interested in volley ball, they never forced her to play it. They gave freedom to select her interested career. She is studying; apart from the name and fame she got, at St. Ann’s College for women, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad to complete her graduation.

               She is about 179 cm of height and weighs about 65 kg. It’s her physical ability that helps her to shoot aces. Pullela Gopi Chand, the eminent guru, found the caliber of Sindhu and made her the champion. She is the first Indian woman badminton player who got Olympic Silver medal at 2017 Rio, summer Olympics.                                                                                                                           5M




1. Answer the questions on the question paper itself and attach it to the answer booklet of Part-A

2. Avoid overwriting 


Q. No. (17-21). Read the following poem 

Little baby, oh so small
One day you will be big and tall
I watch you while you laugh and play
My love for you grows every day

Your smiles are petals of flowers
I tell you this with my whole heart
I love you just the way you are


Now answer the questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write A, B, C or D in the brackets given                                                                             5X1=5

17. What is the poem about?                                                                                                          (        )

A) Mother’s love on her baby                               B) Mother’s anger on her baby

C) Mother’s envy on her baby                              D) Mother’s jealousy on her baby

18.Your smiles are petals of flowers is an example of …                                                         (        )

A) simile                      B) personification                           C) metaphor                      D) hyperbole 

19. According to the poet the mother loves her baby …                                                               (        )

A) as the way the baby is                                     B) only when the baby smiles 

C) only when they are cute                                 D) only when the baby cries

20. The mother wants to tell the baby that …                                                                               (        )

A) the baby is very tall and big                          B) the baby is irritating her

C) the baby is growing so fast                            D) her love for the baby grows everyday

21. The smiles of the baby are compared to …                                                                             (        )

A) heart of the flowers                                       B) petals of the flowers

C) heart of the mother                                       D) dirt of the petals of the flowers


Q. No. (22-26). In the following passage, five sentences are numbered and each of them has an error. Correct them and rewrite them in the given space.                           5X1=5

Mrs. Slater: And when we’d finished dinner I thought I’d take up a bit of something on a tray. 22) He was lying their for all the world as if he was asleep, so I put the tray down on the bureau – (correcting herself) on the chest of drawers – and went to waken him. (A pause) 23) He was quite cool.                                             (A pause. 24) They wipes their eyes and sniff back tears.)

Mrs. Slater: (Rising briskly at length; in a business-like tone) 25) Well, will you go up and look at him now, or shall have we tea?

Mrs. Jordan: 26) What does you say, Ben?

Ben: I’m not particular.






Q.  No. (27-31) Complete the passage choosing the right word from those given below. Each blank is numbered and each blank has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the correct answer and write A, B, C or D in the brackets given.                                                     5X1=5

              A learner centred perspective does not, …….. (27) mean that the teacher …….. (28) from the classroom. How can a class function effectively without a monitor, a guide? ……. (29) on the learner ……….. (30) is the teacher’s task calling on all his or her resources. The learner centred perspective is especially important …… (31) the language teacher.

27. (A) however                        (B) anyhow                  (C) whatever                 (D) still

28. (A) abdicate                        (B) abdicating               (C) abdicates                 (D) abdicated

29. (A) focus                            (B) focusing                 (C) focused                   (D) focuses

30. (A) systematically                (B) systematic              (C) system                    (D) signature

31. (A) for                                (B) of                           (C) off                          (D) by

Q. No. (32-36). Read the following passage with focus on the underlined parts. Answer them as directed in the space given.                                                                                           5X1=5


         The drunken potter did not notice the difference (32) between the donkey and a tiger. He kicked and beat the sleep (33) tiger. He then jumped onto the frightened (34) animal's back, rode it home, and then tyed (35) it up over (36) the iron chain.

32. Write the antonym of the underlined word.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

33. Rewrite with the right form of the underlined word.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

34. Write a word that gives the same meaning.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

35. Replace the word that has the correct spelling.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

36. Replace the word with suitable preposition.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

Prepared by Harinath Vemula for www.english143.in


SSC Model Paper-2 (Unit-2)


Time: 3hours                                                                                                       Max. Marks .80


I. Read the question paper carefully.

II. Answer the questions under Part-A in the answer booklet.

III. Write the answers to the questions under Part-B on the question paper itself.

IV. Avoid overwriting.


                                                                                                                                                                                 Marks 60

Q. No. (1-4) Read the following passage

Mrs. Jordan       : And now perhaps you'll tell us all about it.

Mrs. Slater        : Father had been merry this morning. He went out soon after breakfast to pay his insurance.

Ben                   : My word, it's a good thing he did.

Mrs. Jordan       : He always was thoughtful in that way. He was too honourable to have 'gone' without paying his premium.

Henry                : And when I came in I found him undressed sure enough and snug in bed.

Mrs. Slater        :  And when we'd finished dinner I thought I'd take up a bit of something on a tray. He was lying there for all the world as if he was asleep, so I put the tray down on the bureau- (correcting herself) on the chest of drawers – and went to waken him. (A pause) He was quite cold.

(A pause. They wipe their eyes and sniff back tears.)

Mrs. Slater        : (Rising briskly at length; in a business-like tone) Well, will you go up and look at him now, or shall we have tea.                              (The Dear Departed)

Answer each of the following questions in three to four sentences                                         4x3=12

1. Ben  : My word, it's a good thing he did. – Why do you think he said so?

2. Well, will you go up and look at him now, or shall we have tea. – What does this statement indicate?

3. Who is gone dead? Is he really dead? Why do they think so?

4. If you were Elizabeth Jordan, what would you do when you arrive at Amelia’s home?

Q. No. (5-8) Read the following passage         

When they passed a young tree, the potter grabbed a branch. But the horse did not stop. Instead the tree was pulled out of the ground. A sentry from the enemy camp saw the potter galloping towards the camp with a tree in one hand and his reins in the other. 'That must be the General who captured a tiger with his bare hands,' he thought. 'Now he has uprooted a tree with only one hand! He is not an ordinary man-he's a giant!' 'Run, run, save yourselves! The famous Tiger-General is coming at the head of a large army to attack us. He has the strength of a giant! He has uprooted a tree with one hand!'

The frightened soldiers fled. Their king was left by himself in his tent. Hurriedly he wrote a letter begging for peace and apologizing for attacking the country. He left this letter in the tent.

(The Brave Potter)

Answer each of the following questions in three to four sentences                                        4x3=12

 5. Why do you think the soldiers fled?

6. What was the letter written by the king? To whom had he written it? 

7. If you were the sentry of the enemy’s camp, what would you do?

8. Pick TWO FALSE statements according to the passage.

A. The enemies fled away.

B. The potter fought bravely with the enemies.

C. The potter knew how to ride a horse pretty well.

D. He asked his wife to help with the horse in the morning.

E. The king begged for peace and apologized.

Q. No. (9-12) The Flow-Chart given below provides information about what to do when a lamp doesn’t work. Study the Chart carefully and answer the following questions.                        4 X 2 = 8

        9. What does the Flow-Chart show?

10. What to do if the lamp doesn’t work?

11. What to do when the bulb burns out?

12. According to the flow chart when do we repair lamp?

Q. No. (13). Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions as directed and write them in the answer booklet.                        4X2=8

i) Childhood is the sweetest time in the life of a person. Childhood is the most beautiful time in the life of a person. ii) It is the time. One gets to explore everything and learn new things. iii) I also enjoyed my childhood to the fullest” said Harinath. iv) My Childhood was filled with happiness and innocence. v) I have played many games with my friends. I remember those days fondly and they always bring a smile to my face. vi) Childhood is the happiest stage of the life.

 i. Combine the two sentences with ‘and

ii. Combine the two sentences with ‘when’

iii. Change the sentence into reported speech.

iv. Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘not only … but also.’

v. Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Many games “

vi. Rewrite the sentence using ‘no other’.

Q. No. 14. In the lesson “The Dear Departed”, Mrs. Slater planned to bring down the bureau and the clock. Victoria said, “These are grandpa’s bureau and clock”. Mrs. Slater said, “Be Quiet, these are ours now”. What may be the feelings of Victoria? Describe feelings of Victoria.

           Your description should reflect these ideas - Who was Victoria? - in what relation she was with ‘Abel Merry Weather’ - her attitude towards her grandpa etc.                            10M


Tree is the most useful thing in the world. It is the actual life for every life. But for the greed of the people the global warming is being increased day to day. Now, keeping in view of the importance of the trees in the world prepare a speech script on “Tree Plantation” taking help from the following points.

           Greeting – importance of trees – present status (disappearance of trees – deforestations – problems …) need of plantation – reforestation – seedlings distribution responsibilities of students.


Q. No. 15.  Think that you were the president of ‘The Cultural Committee’ in your school. You have understood that many old people like ‘Merryweather’ are suffered by their children. You found it inhumanity. You discussed with your team and decided to conduct a debate/discussion on “Old age Problems and Solutions.” Now draft a notice to invite participants for the debate.                        5M


 Q. No. 16. Write a short profile (tabular) using the information given in the answer for the question.

The one and only Indian women shuttler ever won the Olympic medal is Pusarla Venkata Sindhu. People call her PV Sindhu. The Indian Women Badminton player was born on 5th of July, 1995 into a sports family. One can proudly say that she was born in Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana.

               Not only her father, P.V. Ramana, but also her mother, P.V. Vijaya, are volley ball players. Though they are interested in volley ball, they never forced her to play it. They gave freedom to select her interested career. She is studying; apart from the name and fame she got, at St. Ann’s College for women, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad to complete her graduation.

               She is about 179 cm of height and weighs about 65 kg. It’s her physical ability that helps her to shoot aces. Pullela Gopi Chand, the eminent guru, found the caliber of Sindhu and made her the champion. She is the first Indian woman badminton player who got Olympic Silver medal at 2017 Rio, summer Olympics.                                                                                                                           5M




1. Answer the questions on the question paper itself and attach it to the answer booklet of Part-A

2. Avoid overwriting 


Q. No. (17-21). Read the following poem 

Little baby, oh so small
One day you will be big and tall
I watch you while you laugh and play
My love for you grows every day

Your smiles are petals of flowers
I tell you this with my whole heart
I love you just the way you are


Now answer the questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write A, B, C or D in the brackets given                                                                             5X1=5

17. What is the poem about?                                                                                                          (        )

A) Mother’s love on her baby                               B) Mother’s anger on her baby

C) Mother’s envy on her baby                              D) Mother’s jealousy on her baby

18.Your smiles are petals of flowers is an example of …                                                         (        )

A) simile                      B) personification                           C) metaphor                      D) hyperbole 

19. According to the poet the mother loves her baby …                                                               (        )

A) as the way the baby is                                     B) only when the baby smiles 

C) only when they are cute                                 D) only when the baby cries

20. The mother wants to tell the baby that …                                                                               (        )

A) the baby is very tall and big                          B) the baby is irritating her

C) the baby is growing so fast                            D) her love for the baby grows everyday

21. The smiles of the baby are compared to …                                                                             (        )

A) heart of the flowers                                       B) petals of the flowers

C) heart of the mother                                       D) dirt of the petals of the flowers


Q. No. (22-26). In the following passage, five sentences are numbered and each of them has an error. Correct them and rewrite them in the given space.                           5X1=5

Mrs. Slater: And when we’d finished dinner I thought I’d take up a bit of something on a tray. 22) He was lying their for all the world as if he was asleep, so I put the tray down on the bureau – (correcting herself) on the chest of drawers – and went to waken him. (A pause) 23) He was quite cool.                                             (A pause. 24) They wipes their eyes and sniff back tears.)

Mrs. Slater: (Rising briskly at length; in a business-like tone) 25) Well, will you go up and look at him now, or shall have we tea?

Mrs. Jordan: 26) What does you say, Ben?

Ben: I’m not particular.






Q.  No. (27-31) Complete the passage choosing the right word from those given below. Each blank is numbered and each blank has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the correct answer and write A, B, C or D in the brackets given.                                                     5X1=5

              A learner centred perspective does not, …….. (27) mean that the teacher …….. (28) from the classroom. How can a class function effectively without a monitor, a guide? ……. (29) on the learner ……….. (30) is the teacher’s task calling on all his or her resources. The learner centred perspective is especially important …… (31) the language teacher.

27. (A) however                        (B) anyhow                  (C) whatever                 (D) still

28. (A) abdicate                        (B) abdicating               (C) abdicates                 (D) abdicated

29. (A) focus                            (B) focusing                 (C) focused                   (D) focuses

30. (A) systematically                (B) systematic              (C) system                    (D) signature

31. (A) for                                (B) of                           (C) off                          (D) by

Q. No. (32-36). Read the following passage with focus on the underlined parts. Answer them as directed in the space given.                                                                                           5X1=5


         The drunken potter did not notice the difference (32) between the donkey and a tiger. He kicked and beat the sleep (33) tiger. He then jumped onto the frightened (34) animal's back, rode it home, and then tyed (35) it up over (36) the iron chain.

32. Write the antonym of the underlined word.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

33. Rewrite with the right form of the underlined word.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

34. Write a word that gives the same meaning.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

35. Replace the word that has the correct spelling.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

36. Replace the word with suitable preposition.

Ans: __________________________________________________________________

20 December 2024



Marks: 50    Time: 1 Hour    Date: .12.2024

  1. All questions carry 1 mark each.
  2. There are no negative marks for incorrect answers.
  3. Write or tick the correct answers in the question paper itself.

Section 1: Reading Skills (Comprehension) (Q. No. 1-5)

Read the passage/story given below and answer the questions that follow.

A man carrying two sacks of wheat with his donkey was going to the market. After a while, he grew tired and rested under a tree. When he woke up, the donkey was gone. The man began searching for it and met a boy on the way. He asked, “Have you seen my donkey?” The boy replied, “Is the donkey blind in one eye, lame in one leg, and carrying wheat sacks?” The man was overjoyed and said, “Yes! Where did you see it?” The boy replied, “I haven’t seen it.” Angered, the man took the boy to the village chief for punishment. The judge asked the boy, “If you did not see the donkey, how could you describe it?” The boy explained, “I noticed uneven hoof marks, meaning the donkey was lame. Grass on the left side of the path was untouched, showing blindness in its left eye. Scattered wheat seeds indicated it was carrying wheat sacks.” Hearing this, the judge praised the boy's cleverness and advised the man to forgive him.
Moral: Do not be quick to judge others.Questions:

  1. Which of the following statements is true? ( )
    A) The man carried two sacks of wheat.
    B) The man rested under a tree.
    C) The donkey went missing while the man was napping.
    D) Both B & C.
  2. The donkey in the story was ... ( )
    A) blind in one eye.
    B) carrying a sack of wheat.
    C) lost while going to the market.
    D) A & B.
  3. After the boy described the donkey, the man was... ( )
    A) happy and punished the boy.
    B) happy and found his donkey.
    C) happy but sought the judge’s help.
    D) happy but punished the boy.
  4. What observations did the boy make about the donkey? ( )
    A) Uneven hoof marks.
    B) Blind in one eye.
    C) Scattered wheat seeds.
    D) All of the above.
  5. Who is the wise person in the story? ( )
    A) The donkey.
    B) The judge.
    C) The boy.
    D) All of them.

Section 2: Poem Comprehension (Q. No. 6-10)

Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

We played, we laughed
We were loved
We were ripped from the arms of our parents and
Thrown into the fire
We were nothing more than children.We had a future.
We were going to be Lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers.
We had dreams, then we had no hope
We were taken in the dead of night
Like cattle in cars, no air to breathe
Smothering, crying, starving, dying.Separated from the world to be no more.
From the ashes hear our plea.
This atrocity to mankind cannot happen again.
Remember us, for we were the children whose dreams and lives were stolen away.

6. The verbs ‘ripped and thrown’ signify their ...... ( )
A) sadness
B) anger
C) helplessness
D) happiness

  1. What is the central theme of the passage? ( )
    A) The beauty of childhood
    B) The horrors of war and displacement
    C) The joy of family reunification
    D) The celebration of dreams
  2. What dreams did the children have before their lives were disrupted? ( )
    A) They dreamed of becoming soldiers and warriors
    B) They dreamed of becoming lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, and mothers
    C) They dreamed of traveling the world
    D) They dreamed of becoming famous musicians
  3. What happened to the children in the poem? ( )
    A) They were given a chance to pursue their dreams
    B) They were separated from their families and taken away in the dead of night
    C) They were welcomed into new families
    D) They were taken on a vacation
  4. What does the phrase "From the ashes hear our plea" symbolize? ( )
    A) The children’s joy and resilience
    B) The destruction and loss the children faced and their call for remembrance
    C) The future hopes of the children
    D) The peaceful resolution of their struggles

Section 3: Data Interpretation

Read the following table, which shows Pollution Intensity Details and answer questions that follow:

Pollution TypePercentagePrimary Reasons
Air Pollution35%Industries, vehicles
Water Pollution25%Industries, sewage, improper waste
Noise Pollution15%Industries, transportation
Soil Pollution15%Pesticides, improper waste disposal
Light Pollution10%Excessive artificial lighting systems


11. Which pollution type has the highest intensity? ( )
A) Soil Pollution
B) Air Pollution
C) Water Pollution
D) Noise Pollution

  1. Which two types of pollution have the same intensity percentage? ( )
    A) Soil and Noise Pollution
    B) Light and Air Pollution
    C) Water and Noise Pollution
    D) Soil and Air Pollution
  2. How much of total pollution intensity is contributed by Water and Light Pollution together? ( )
    A) 30%
    B) 25%
    C) 15%
    D) 35%
  3. Which type of pollution has same reason for intensity? ( )
    A) Soil Pollution and Noise Pollution
    B) Air Pollution & Noise Pollution
    C) Soil Pollution and Air Pollution
    D) Water Pollution and Air Pollution
  4. Which of following statements is wrong with respect to Soil Pollution and Noise Pollution? ( )
    A) They have same intensity
    B) They have different intensity
    C) They do not have same reasons
    D) A & B

Section 4: Vocabulary

  1. Choose correct antonym of underlined word: "Clinical analysis proved that coronavirus is an RNA type." ( )
    A) improved
    B) disproved
    C) unproven
    D) showed
  2. Choose meaning of underlined word in sentence: "The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine was developed by AstraZeneca in collaboration with University of Oxford." ( )
    A) debating together
    B) acting together
    C) confronting together
    D) A & B
  3. Fill in blank with suitable word: "The restaurant is _______; however, food is worth price." ( )
    A) cheap
    B) affordable
    C) expensive
    D) so-so
  4. Choose correct synonym of underlined word: "A particular memory can often trigger strong emotions both bitter and better." ( )
    A) initiate
    B) induce
    C) process
    D) disturb
  5. Identify adjective in sentence: "She travelled by a luxurious car." ( )
    A) travelled
    B) yesterday
    C) luxurious
    D) by

Section 5: Grammar

  1. Choose correct sentence: ( )
    A) He has been preparing for exams since yesterday.
    B) He has been preparing for exams for yesterday.
    C) He has been playing cricket for 1980.
    D) He has been play cricket since 1980.
  2. Select correct form of reported speech: "He says, ‘I am happy." ( )
    A) He said that he is happy.
    B) He said that he was happy.
    C) He says that he is happy.
    D) He says that he was happy.
  3. Choose correct conditional sentence: ( )
    A) If Cherry had attended exam he would have got 1st rank.
    B If Cherry have attended exam he would get 1st rank.
    C If Cherry has attended exam he would got 1st rank.
    D If Cherry has attended exam he would be getting 1st rank.

24 Choose correct passive form of sentence: "I distributed chocolates to my friends." ( )
A Chocolates are distributed by me to my friends.
B Chocolates were distributed by me to my friends.
C My friends are distributed chocolates by me.
D B & C.

25 Choose active voice form of sentence: "Roads are laid by Government." ( )
A Government is laying roads.
B Government lays roads.
C Government is lay roads.
D Government lay roads.

26 Choose correct indirect speech representation: "The teacher said to students ‘Do not bring your books tomorrow.’" ( )
A Teacher requested students not to bring their books following day.
B Teacher told students not to bring their books tomorrow.
C Teacher ordered students not to bring their books next day.
D Teacher ordered students not to bring your books next day.

27 Choose superlative form of sentence: "Very few students in class are as clever as Teja." ( )
A Teja is cleverer than many students in class.
B Teja is one of cleverest students in class.
C Teja is cleverest student in class.
D Both B & C.

28 Choose correct question tag: "Close door ______?"
A Will you
B Won't you
C Do you
D Don’t you

29 Which sentence is grammatically correct?
A Why do you think he is going to beach?
B Why do you think he go to beach?
C Why do you think did he go to beach?
D Why do you think did he went to beach?

30 Choose sentence that is grammatically accurate:
A When will you will return his notes?
B How would you help him?
C Have you wrote work?
D Did you saw them?

Section 6: Creative Writing

31 Which of following is formal way to say goodbye?
A See you soon Bye
B Catch you later Bye
C I look forward to seeing you again
D Bye bye

32 Best way of interrupting someone to add point:
A I apologize for interruption I have something to add…
B Excuse me! I can't wait to add something…
C Can you give me chance to add something…?
D May I add something…?

Section 7: Spelling

33 Choose correct spelling of word:
A miscelaneous
B miselaneous
C miscellaneous
D miscelanious

34 Choose correct spelling of word:
A vacume
B vaccum
C vaccume
D vacuum

Section 8: Phrasal Verbs/Idioms

35 What does phrasal verb “turned up” mean in sentence below?
"Many people turned up at party as Chief Minister was going attend it."
A looked
B met
C arrived
D returned

36 What does phrasal verb “bring down” mean in sentence below?
"Government’s policy aims to bring down poverty."
A stop
B increase
C reduce
D encourage

Section 9: Scrambled Sentences

37 Rearrange following words to form correct sentence:
"things/many/in/students/learn/lives/their" _______________________________________________________________38 Rearrange following words to form correct sentence:
"wave/AI/next/is/big/the/generative” _______________________________________________________________

Section 10: Punctuation

39 Which following sentences is punctuated correctly?
A Ravi said I can't thank you enough
B "Thanks a ton! You’re really helpful."
C We have seen her on banks river Ganga
D "What is it Amma said girl."

40 Select sentence with correct punctuation:
A He worked very hard yet he failed
B He worked very hard yet he failed
C He worked very hard yet he failed
D He worked hard yet he failed

Section 11: Language Functions

41 Which following is most appropriate way wish someone well future endeavours?
A Good luck I guess
B All best everything do!
C I hope can do it
D Hope works out but no promises

42 Which following most polite way apologize mistake?
A Sorry about that I really made mistake
B I apologize any inconvenience may have caused
C My bad made mistake unintentionally
D It’s not big deal I’m sorry

43 Which following most appropriate way greet someone about success?
A Congratulations success! You can do it
B Well done
C May future be filled with even greater accomplishments!
D Congratulations! You have done it.

Section 12: Fill in Blanks

44 Choose correct preposition:
"I haven't seen him ______ then."
A since
B for
C of
D by

45 Choose correct verb form:
"She will be ______ school at this time tomorrow."
A went
B go
C going
D gone

46 Choose correct conjunction:
"It is cloudy ______ it may rain today."
A but
B so
C and
D yet47 Choose correct article:
"______ Gold is precious Nowadays its price increasing rapidly."
B An
C The
D No article

48 Choose correct adverb:
"I took ticket ______ I got into bus."
A while
B as soon as
C hardly
D no sooner

Section 13: Parts of Speech

49 Identify adverb following sentence:
"How often do you go temple?"
A How
B often
C go
D temple

50 Identify relative pronoun sentence:
"The man who I met at party is famous lawyer."
A The
B man
C party
D who


The question paper for the Telangana English Olympiad (ELTA TEO) School Level Test. It consists of various sections assessing different skills, including reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and creative writing. Below is a summary of the key components of the test:

Test Structure

  1. Reading Skills (Comprehension):
    • A passage about a man and his donkey, followed by questions that test understanding and inference.
    • A poem reflecting on childhood and loss, with questions focusing on themes and interpretations.
  2. Data Interpretation:
    • A table detailing pollution types and their causes, accompanied by questions requiring analysis of the data.
  3. Vocabulary:
    • Questions on antonyms, synonyms, meanings, and identifying parts of speech.
  4. Grammar:
    • Questions on sentence structure, reported speech, conditional sentences, passive and active voice forms.
  5. Creative Writing:
    • Questions assessing formal language use and polite expressions.
  6. Spelling:
    • Identification of correct spellings for commonly misspelled words.
  7. Phrasal Verbs/Idioms:
    • Understanding the meanings of specific phrasal verbs in context.
  8. Scrambled Sentences:
    • Rearranging words to form coherent sentences.
  9. Punctuation:
    • Correct usage of punctuation in given sentences.
  10. Language Functions:
    • Appropriate ways to express well-wishes, apologies, and greetings.
  11. Fill in the Blanks:
    • Completing sentences with suitable prepositions, verb forms, conjunctions, articles, and adverbs.
  12. Parts of Speech:
    • Identifying adverbs and relative pronouns in sentences.

This comprehensive assessment is designed to evaluate students' proficiency in English across multiple dimensions, encouraging critical thinking and language skills development.

Possible Key to the question paper

Section 1: Reading Skills (Comprehension)

  1. D) Both B & C.
  2. D) A & B.
  3. C) happy but sought the judge’s help.
  4. D) All of the above.
  5. C) The boy.

Section 2: Poem Comprehension

  1. C) helplessness.
  2. B) The horrors of war and displacement.
  3. B) They dreamed of becoming lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, and mothers.
  4. B) They were separated from their families and taken away in the dead of night.
  5. B) The destruction and loss the children faced and their call for remembrance.

Section 3: Data Interpretation

  1. B) Air Pollution.
  2. A) Soil and Noise Pollution.
  3. A) 30%.
  4. D) Water Pollution and Air Pollution.
  5. A) They have the same intensity.

Section 4: Vocabulary

  1. B) disproved.
  2. B) acting together.
  3. C) expensive.
  4. B) induce.
  5. C) luxurious.

Section 5: Grammar

  1. A) He has been preparing for the exams since yesterday.
  2. B) He said that he was happy.
  3. A) If Cherry had attended the exam, he would have got 1st rank.
  4. B) Chocolates were distributed by me to my friends.
  5. B) The Government lays roads.
  6. C) The teacher ordered the students not to bring their books the next day.
  7. D) Both B & C.
  8. B) Won't you?
  9. A) Why do you think he is going to the beach?
  10. B) "How would you help him?"

Section 6: Creative Writing

  1. C) I look forward to seeing you again.
  2. A) “I apologize for the interruption. I have something to add…”

Section 7: Spelling

  1. C) miscellaneous.
  2. D) vacuum.

Section 8: Phrasal Verbs/Idioms

  1. C) arrived.
  2. C) reduce.

Section 9: Scrambled Sentences

  1. Students learn many things in their lives.
  2. The next big wave is AI generative.

Section 10: Punctuation

  1. B) "Thanks a ton! You’re really helpful."
  2. A) He worked very hard, yet he failed.

Section 11: Language Functions

  1. B) "All the best in everything you do!"
  2. B) "I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused."
  3. D) "Congratulations! You have done it."

Section 12: Fill in the Blanks

  1. A) since.
  2. C) going.
  3. B) so.
  4. C) The.
  5. B) as soon as.

Section 13: Parts of Speech

  1. B) often.
  2. D) who.


Marks: 50    Time: 1 Hour    Date: .12.2024

  1. All questions carry 1 mark each.
  2. There are no negative marks for incorrect answers.
  3. Write or tick the correct answers in the question paper itself.

Section 1: Reading Skills (Comprehension) (Q. No. 1-5)

Read the passage/story given below and answer the questions that follow.

A man carrying two sacks of wheat with his donkey was going to the market. After a while, he grew tired and rested under a tree. When he woke up, the donkey was gone. The man began searching for it and met a boy on the way. He asked, “Have you seen my donkey?” The boy replied, “Is the donkey blind in one eye, lame in one leg, and carrying wheat sacks?” The man was overjoyed and said, “Yes! Where did you see it?” The boy replied, “I haven’t seen it.” Angered, the man took the boy to the village chief for punishment. The judge asked the boy, “If you did not see the donkey, how could you describe it?” The boy explained, “I noticed uneven hoof marks, meaning the donkey was lame. Grass on the left side of the path was untouched, showing blindness in its left eye. Scattered wheat seeds indicated it was carrying wheat sacks.” Hearing this, the judge praised the boy's cleverness and advised the man to forgive him.
Moral: Do not be quick to judge others.Questions:

  1. Which of the following statements is true? ( )
    A) The man carried two sacks of wheat.
    B) The man rested under a tree.
    C) The donkey went missing while the man was napping.
    D) Both B & C.
  2. The donkey in the story was ... ( )
    A) blind in one eye.
    B) carrying a sack of wheat.
    C) lost while going to the market.
    D) A & B.
  3. After the boy described the donkey, the man was... ( )
    A) happy and punished the boy.
    B) happy and found his donkey.
    C) happy but sought the judge’s help.
    D) happy but punished the boy.
  4. What observations did the boy make about the donkey? ( )
    A) Uneven hoof marks.
    B) Blind in one eye.
    C) Scattered wheat seeds.
    D) All of the above.
  5. Who is the wise person in the story? ( )
    A) The donkey.
    B) The judge.
    C) The boy.
    D) All of them.

Section 2: Poem Comprehension (Q. No. 6-10)

Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

We played, we laughed
We were loved
We were ripped from the arms of our parents and
Thrown into the fire
We were nothing more than children.We had a future.
We were going to be Lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers.
We had dreams, then we had no hope
We were taken in the dead of night
Like cattle in cars, no air to breathe
Smothering, crying, starving, dying.Separated from the world to be no more.
From the ashes hear our plea.
This atrocity to mankind cannot happen again.
Remember us, for we were the children whose dreams and lives were stolen away.

6. The verbs ‘ripped and thrown’ signify their ...... ( )
A) sadness
B) anger
C) helplessness
D) happiness

  1. What is the central theme of the passage? ( )
    A) The beauty of childhood
    B) The horrors of war and displacement
    C) The joy of family reunification
    D) The celebration of dreams
  2. What dreams did the children have before their lives were disrupted? ( )
    A) They dreamed of becoming soldiers and warriors
    B) They dreamed of becoming lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, and mothers
    C) They dreamed of traveling the world
    D) They dreamed of becoming famous musicians
  3. What happened to the children in the poem? ( )
    A) They were given a chance to pursue their dreams
    B) They were separated from their families and taken away in the dead of night
    C) They were welcomed into new families
    D) They were taken on a vacation
  4. What does the phrase "From the ashes hear our plea" symbolize? ( )
    A) The children’s joy and resilience
    B) The destruction and loss the children faced and their call for remembrance
    C) The future hopes of the children
    D) The peaceful resolution of their struggles

Section 3: Data Interpretation

Read the following table, which shows Pollution Intensity Details and answer questions that follow:

Pollution TypePercentagePrimary Reasons
Air Pollution35%Industries, vehicles
Water Pollution25%Industries, sewage, improper waste
Noise Pollution15%Industries, transportation
Soil Pollution15%Pesticides, improper waste disposal
Light Pollution10%Excessive artificial lighting systems


11. Which pollution type has the highest intensity? ( )
A) Soil Pollution
B) Air Pollution
C) Water Pollution
D) Noise Pollution

  1. Which two types of pollution have the same intensity percentage? ( )
    A) Soil and Noise Pollution
    B) Light and Air Pollution
    C) Water and Noise Pollution
    D) Soil and Air Pollution
  2. How much of total pollution intensity is contributed by Water and Light Pollution together? ( )
    A) 30%
    B) 25%
    C) 15%
    D) 35%
  3. Which type of pollution has same reason for intensity? ( )
    A) Soil Pollution and Noise Pollution
    B) Air Pollution & Noise Pollution
    C) Soil Pollution and Air Pollution
    D) Water Pollution and Air Pollution
  4. Which of following statements is wrong with respect to Soil Pollution and Noise Pollution? ( )
    A) They have same intensity
    B) They have different intensity
    C) They do not have same reasons
    D) A & B

Section 4: Vocabulary

  1. Choose correct antonym of underlined word: "Clinical analysis proved that coronavirus is an RNA type." ( )
    A) improved
    B) disproved
    C) unproven
    D) showed
  2. Choose meaning of underlined word in sentence: "The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine was developed by AstraZeneca in collaboration with University of Oxford." ( )
    A) debating together
    B) acting together
    C) confronting together
    D) A & B
  3. Fill in blank with suitable word: "The restaurant is _______; however, food is worth price." ( )
    A) cheap
    B) affordable
    C) expensive
    D) so-so
  4. Choose correct synonym of underlined word: "A particular memory can often trigger strong emotions both bitter and better." ( )
    A) initiate
    B) induce
    C) process
    D) disturb
  5. Identify adjective in sentence: "She travelled by a luxurious car." ( )
    A) travelled
    B) yesterday
    C) luxurious
    D) by

Section 5: Grammar

  1. Choose correct sentence: ( )
    A) He has been preparing for exams since yesterday.
    B) He has been preparing for exams for yesterday.
    C) He has been playing cricket for 1980.
    D) He has been play cricket since 1980.
  2. Select correct form of reported speech: "He says, ‘I am happy." ( )
    A) He said that he is happy.
    B) He said that he was happy.
    C) He says that he is happy.
    D) He says that he was happy.
  3. Choose correct conditional sentence: ( )
    A) If Cherry had attended exam he would have got 1st rank.
    B If Cherry have attended exam he would get 1st rank.
    C If Cherry has attended exam he would got 1st rank.
    D If Cherry has attended exam he would be getting 1st rank.

24 Choose correct passive form of sentence: "I distributed chocolates to my friends." ( )
A Chocolates are distributed by me to my friends.
B Chocolates were distributed by me to my friends.
C My friends are distributed chocolates by me.
D B & C.

25 Choose active voice form of sentence: "Roads are laid by Government." ( )
A Government is laying roads.
B Government lays roads.
C Government is lay roads.
D Government lay roads.

26 Choose correct indirect speech representation: "The teacher said to students ‘Do not bring your books tomorrow.’" ( )
A Teacher requested students not to bring their books following day.
B Teacher told students not to bring their books tomorrow.
C Teacher ordered students not to bring their books next day.
D Teacher ordered students not to bring your books next day.

27 Choose superlative form of sentence: "Very few students in class are as clever as Teja." ( )
A Teja is cleverer than many students in class.
B Teja is one of cleverest students in class.
C Teja is cleverest student in class.
D Both B & C.

28 Choose correct question tag: "Close door ______?"
A Will you
B Won't you
C Do you
D Don’t you

29 Which sentence is grammatically correct?
A Why do you think he is going to beach?
B Why do you think he go to beach?
C Why do you think did he go to beach?
D Why do you think did he went to beach?

30 Choose sentence that is grammatically accurate:
A When will you will return his notes?
B How would you help him?
C Have you wrote work?
D Did you saw them?

Section 6: Creative Writing

31 Which of following is formal way to say goodbye?
A See you soon Bye
B Catch you later Bye
C I look forward to seeing you again
D Bye bye

32 Best way of interrupting someone to add point:
A I apologize for interruption I have something to add…
B Excuse me! I can't wait to add something…
C Can you give me chance to add something…?
D May I add something…?

Section 7: Spelling

33 Choose correct spelling of word:
A miscelaneous
B miselaneous
C miscellaneous
D miscelanious

34 Choose correct spelling of word:
A vacume
B vaccum
C vaccume
D vacuum

Section 8: Phrasal Verbs/Idioms

35 What does phrasal verb “turned up” mean in sentence below?
"Many people turned up at party as Chief Minister was going attend it."
A looked
B met
C arrived
D returned

36 What does phrasal verb “bring down” mean in sentence below?
"Government’s policy aims to bring down poverty."
A stop
B increase
C reduce
D encourage

Section 9: Scrambled Sentences

37 Rearrange following words to form correct sentence:
"things/many/in/students/learn/lives/their" _______________________________________________________________38 Rearrange following words to form correct sentence:
"wave/AI/next/is/big/the/generative” _______________________________________________________________

Section 10: Punctuation

39 Which following sentences is punctuated correctly?
A Ravi said I can't thank you enough
B "Thanks a ton! You’re really helpful."
C We have seen her on banks river Ganga
D "What is it Amma said girl."

40 Select sentence with correct punctuation:
A He worked very hard yet he failed
B He worked very hard yet he failed
C He worked very hard yet he failed
D He worked hard yet he failed

Section 11: Language Functions

41 Which following is most appropriate way wish someone well future endeavours?
A Good luck I guess
B All best everything do!
C I hope can do it
D Hope works out but no promises

42 Which following most polite way apologize mistake?
A Sorry about that I really made mistake
B I apologize any inconvenience may have caused
C My bad made mistake unintentionally
D It’s not big deal I’m sorry

43 Which following most appropriate way greet someone about success?
A Congratulations success! You can do it
B Well done
C May future be filled with even greater accomplishments!
D Congratulations! You have done it.

Section 12: Fill in Blanks

44 Choose correct preposition:
"I haven't seen him ______ then."
A since
B for
C of
D by

45 Choose correct verb form:
"She will be ______ school at this time tomorrow."
A went
B go
C going
D gone

46 Choose correct conjunction:
"It is cloudy ______ it may rain today."
A but
B so
C and
D yet47 Choose correct article:
"______ Gold is precious Nowadays its price increasing rapidly."
B An
C The
D No article

48 Choose correct adverb:
"I took ticket ______ I got into bus."
A while
B as soon as
C hardly
D no sooner

Section 13: Parts of Speech

49 Identify adverb following sentence:
"How often do you go temple?"
A How
B often
C go
D temple

50 Identify relative pronoun sentence:
"The man who I met at party is famous lawyer."
A The
B man
C party
D who


The question paper for the Telangana English Olympiad (ELTA TEO) School Level Test. It consists of various sections assessing different skills, including reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and creative writing. Below is a summary of the key components of the test:

Test Structure

  1. Reading Skills (Comprehension):
    • A passage about a man and his donkey, followed by questions that test understanding and inference.
    • A poem reflecting on childhood and loss, with questions focusing on themes and interpretations.
  2. Data Interpretation:
    • A table detailing pollution types and their causes, accompanied by questions requiring analysis of the data.
  3. Vocabulary:
    • Questions on antonyms, synonyms, meanings, and identifying parts of speech.
  4. Grammar:
    • Questions on sentence structure, reported speech, conditional sentences, passive and active voice forms.
  5. Creative Writing:
    • Questions assessing formal language use and polite expressions.
  6. Spelling:
    • Identification of correct spellings for commonly misspelled words.
  7. Phrasal Verbs/Idioms:
    • Understanding the meanings of specific phrasal verbs in context.
  8. Scrambled Sentences:
    • Rearranging words to form coherent sentences.
  9. Punctuation:
    • Correct usage of punctuation in given sentences.
  10. Language Functions:
    • Appropriate ways to express well-wishes, apologies, and greetings.
  11. Fill in the Blanks:
    • Completing sentences with suitable prepositions, verb forms, conjunctions, articles, and adverbs.
  12. Parts of Speech:
    • Identifying adverbs and relative pronouns in sentences.

This comprehensive assessment is designed to evaluate students' proficiency in English across multiple dimensions, encouraging critical thinking and language skills development.

Possible Key to the question paper

Section 1: Reading Skills (Comprehension)

  1. D) Both B & C.
  2. D) A & B.
  3. C) happy but sought the judge’s help.
  4. D) All of the above.
  5. C) The boy.

Section 2: Poem Comprehension

  1. C) helplessness.
  2. B) The horrors of war and displacement.
  3. B) They dreamed of becoming lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, and mothers.
  4. B) They were separated from their families and taken away in the dead of night.
  5. B) The destruction and loss the children faced and their call for remembrance.

Section 3: Data Interpretation

  1. B) Air Pollution.
  2. A) Soil and Noise Pollution.
  3. A) 30%.
  4. D) Water Pollution and Air Pollution.
  5. A) They have the same intensity.

Section 4: Vocabulary

  1. B) disproved.
  2. B) acting together.
  3. C) expensive.
  4. B) induce.
  5. C) luxurious.

Section 5: Grammar

  1. A) He has been preparing for the exams since yesterday.
  2. B) He said that he was happy.
  3. A) If Cherry had attended the exam, he would have got 1st rank.
  4. B) Chocolates were distributed by me to my friends.
  5. B) The Government lays roads.
  6. C) The teacher ordered the students not to bring their books the next day.
  7. D) Both B & C.
  8. B) Won't you?
  9. A) Why do you think he is going to the beach?
  10. B) "How would you help him?"

Section 6: Creative Writing

  1. C) I look forward to seeing you again.
  2. A) “I apologize for the interruption. I have something to add…”

Section 7: Spelling

  1. C) miscellaneous.
  2. D) vacuum.

Section 8: Phrasal Verbs/Idioms

  1. C) arrived.
  2. C) reduce.

Section 9: Scrambled Sentences

  1. Students learn many things in their lives.
  2. The next big wave is AI generative.

Section 10: Punctuation

  1. B) "Thanks a ton! You’re really helpful."
  2. A) He worked very hard, yet he failed.

Section 11: Language Functions

  1. B) "All the best in everything you do!"
  2. B) "I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused."
  3. D) "Congratulations! You have done it."

Section 12: Fill in the Blanks

  1. A) since.
  2. C) going.
  3. B) so.
  4. C) The.
  5. B) as soon as.

Section 13: Parts of Speech

  1. B) often.
  2. D) who.

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