10 August 2021

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Glossary and Important Comprehension Questions and Answers with Video Lessons

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse 
Glossary (Contextual Meanings) and
Important Comprehension Questions and Answers 
with Video Lessons for 7th class English (TS)

        Here are important and meanings for new vocabulary for the children of class 8 along with the 40 important questions and their answers for your fair note work and better understanding the lesson. You can make it a note in your fair note book or come over here to read them again and again. You can check the two video lessons to get the lesson understood better. You can watch it in English or in Telugu. Then note the questions and answers. You have to answer the last i.e., 40th question yourself.

Make a note of these glossary and read as many a time as possible for getting the idea clear. Make note of all these words and their meanings here 👇👇👇👇   

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Glossary (Meanings according to the context)

cousin (n): a child of one's uncle or aunt (మన తల్లిదండ్రుల యొక్క అన్నదమ్ములు, అక్కచెల్లళ్ళ పిల్లలు - ఆడ అయినా మగ అయినా కూడా)

Eg: Prasad is my cousin.

countryside (n): the inhabitants of countryside areas (గ్రామీణ ప్రాంతం)

Eg: We live in the countryside.

coach (n): a railway carriage (రైలు పెట్టె)

Eg: It is an electric coach.

uncomfortable (adj): causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort (అసౌకర్యంగా)

Eg: This tie is really uncomfortable for me.

grumbled (v): complain about something in a bad-tempered way (గొణుగుడు)

Eg: He grumbled that nobody had attended the class.

chugged (v): (of a vehicle or boat) move slowly making regular muffled explosive sounds, as of an engine running slowly (ఛగ్, ఛగ్ మని రైలు బయలుదేరేటపుడు చేసే శబ్ధంలాంటిది)

got off something (v): to leave a train, bus, or aircraft:(దిగుట)

Eg: He got off the bus when it was his corner to go home.

dreadful (adj): causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious (భయంకరమైన)

Eg: The dog was really dreadful when it attacked us.

terribly (adv): very; extremely (చాలా)

lemonade (n): a drink made from lemon juice and water sweetened with sugar (నిమ్మరసం)

Eg: We drink lemonade on summer days. 

I am afraid not (expression): it is used to say ‘no’ for a question (ఒక ప్రశ్నకి సమాధానంగా ‘no’ అని చెప్పే బదులుగా I am afraid not ను ఉపయోగిస్తాము.

Eg: A: Don’t you have any orange juice or lemonade?

B: I am afraid not.

tender (adj): of food) easy to cut or chew; not tough (ఇక్కడ సులభంగా తినగలిగేది మరియు జీర్ణమయ్యేది)

Eg: It is a tender bit of sugar-cane. 

root (n): the part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, (వృక్ష భాగము)

Eg: Trees get water and minerals through their roots.

exclaimed (v): cry out suddenly in surprise, strong emotion, or pain (ఆశ్చర్యము వ్యక్తం చేయడం)

Eg: The mouse exclaimed to have the village type of food.

I’m afraid (expression) : used for politely telling someone something that might make them sad, disappointed, or angry 

Eg: A: Is this the food you take daily?

B: I am afraid you too have to eat this. Please try this. It’s not bad.

nibbled (v): take small bites out of (కొద్దికొద్దిగా కొరకడం)
Eg: The town mouse nibbled at the root.

quiet (adj): making little or no noise (నిశ్శబ్దంగా)

Eg: The streets in the village are quiet at night.


 Make a note these 40 important questions and answers in your note book and read them as many time as possible to get the understanding better. 👇👇👇👇

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse 

Important comprehension questions and answers for better understanding

1.         Who were cousins? 

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse were cousins.

2.               What did they often write?

They often write letters to each other.

3.               Who got the letter from the Town Mouse?

The Country Mouse got the letter from the Town Mouse.

4.               Who wrote the letter to the Country Mouse?

The Town Mouse wrote the letter to the Country Mouse.

5.               Where did the Town Mouse write the letter?

The Town Mouse wrote the letter from the Kitchen Cupboard from Mouse Town.

6.               Why did the Town Mouse want to visit the countryside? 

The Town Mouse was ill. So, the doctor suggested him to spend a week in the countryside. 

7.               Where did the Country Mouse live?

The Country Mouse lived in the countryside. 

8.               Did the Country Mouse reply to his cousin?

Yes, the Country Mouse replied to his cousin to visit the countryside.

9.               How did the Town Mouse go to the countryside?

The Town Mouse went to the countryside on a train. 

10.            How was the day when the Town Mouse went to the countryside?

The day was bright and sunny.

11.            Who felt hot in the train?

The Town Mouse felt hot in the train. 

12.            What did the Town Mouse wish to have in the train?

The Town Mouse wished to have an air-conditioned coach.

13.            Why do you think the Town Mouse felt uncomfortable on the train?

Perhaps, the Town Mouse felt uncomfortable because it was a hot sunny day.

14.            Who was waiting at the station? 

The Country Mouse was waiting at the station. 

15.            Why do you think the Country Mouse was waiting at the station?

The Country Mouse was waiting at the station to  receive his cousin. 

16.            How did the Town Mouse feel the journey?

The Town Mouse felt that the journey was dreadful.

17.            What did the Town Mouse want for when he got off the train?

The Town Mouse wanted something ice-cold for him to drink. 

18.            What did the Country Mouse offer his cousin when he arrived?

The Country Mouse offered some water and coconut water.

19.            Did the Town Mouse like the coconut water?

No, the Town Mouse didn’t like the coconut water.

20.            What did the Town Mouse want instead of the coconut water?

The Town Mouse wanted some orange juice or lemonade.

21.            What was the food the Country Mouse offered to his cousin?

The Country Mouse offered a piece of root and a tender bit of sugar-cane and some other raw food.

22.            What type of food the countryside mice eat?

The countryside mice eat raw food like sugar-cane, root of plants etc.

23.            Did the Town Mouse enjoy the food in the countryside? 

No, the Town Mouse didn’t enjoy the food in the countryside.

24.            Where did the Town Mouse sleep on that day?

The Town Mouse slept on the ground.

25.            Where do the Country Mouse sleep usually?

The Country Mouse usually sleeps on the ground.

26.            How was the countryside for the Town Mouse in the night?

It was so silent and peaceful. But the Town Mouse had never been in such a place.

27.            What did the Country Mouse’s grandfather say about the country?

The grandfather of the Country Mouse said that their village was the quietest among all the villages in their district.

28.            Did the Town Mouse like the countryside?

No, the Town Mouse didn’t like the countryside.

29.            How did the countryside mice find food?

They had to go to the nearby farm to search for food.

30.            Why do you think the Town Mouse started immediately to town?

The Town Mouse didn’t like the way the Country Mouse lived. He didn’t want to stay anymore. So, he immediately started to go to town.

31.            Why did the Country Mouse write the letter?

The Country Mouse wanted to visit his cousin. So, he wrote the letter.

32.            Why did the Country Mouse surprise in the town when he arrived? 

When the Country Mouse arrived at the town, he was surprised by the noise and the lights.

33.            Where do you think the noise came from?

The dreadful noise came from the traffic.

34.            Where did the Town Mouse live?

The Town Mouse lived at the back of a kitchen cupboard of a house.

35.            What type of food was offered by the Town Mouse?

The bread and jam, different kinds of fruits, slabs of chocolate and a huge piece of lovely cheese were offered by the Town Mouse.

36.            Where do you think the thunder-like sound came from?

It was the sound of someone who opened the cupboard.

37.            Why do you think the Country Mouse got tired?

The Country Mouse got quite tired of running and hiding when they went for food.

38.            Do you think the Country Mouse liked the way that the Town Mouse lived?

No, the Country Mouse didn’t like the way the Town Mouse lived.

39.            Who do you think was happy, the Country Mouse of the Town Mouse?

Both the Country Mouse and the Town Mouse were happy living at their respective places. But they didn’t like the other’s way of living.

40.            Where do you like to live, in the countryside or in the town?

Write your own answer here.

మీకు పాఠం చదివిన తరువాత, ఈ ప్రశ్నలు సమాధానాలు చదివిన తరువాత ఒక సారి వీడియో పాఠం చూడండి.

Watch the video lesson in English


Watch the video lesson in Telugu


The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse 
Glossary (Contextual Meanings) and
Important Comprehension Questions and Answers 
with Video Lessons for 7th class English (TS)

        Here are important and meanings for new vocabulary for the children of class 8 along with the 40 important questions and their answers for your fair note work and better understanding the lesson. You can make it a note in your fair note book or come over here to read them again and again. You can check the two video lessons to get the lesson understood better. You can watch it in English or in Telugu. Then note the questions and answers. You have to answer the last i.e., 40th question yourself.

Make a note of these glossary and read as many a time as possible for getting the idea clear. Make note of all these words and their meanings here 👇👇👇👇   

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Glossary (Meanings according to the context)

cousin (n): a child of one's uncle or aunt (మన తల్లిదండ్రుల యొక్క అన్నదమ్ములు, అక్కచెల్లళ్ళ పిల్లలు - ఆడ అయినా మగ అయినా కూడా)

Eg: Prasad is my cousin.

countryside (n): the inhabitants of countryside areas (గ్రామీణ ప్రాంతం)

Eg: We live in the countryside.

coach (n): a railway carriage (రైలు పెట్టె)

Eg: It is an electric coach.

uncomfortable (adj): causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort (అసౌకర్యంగా)

Eg: This tie is really uncomfortable for me.

grumbled (v): complain about something in a bad-tempered way (గొణుగుడు)

Eg: He grumbled that nobody had attended the class.

chugged (v): (of a vehicle or boat) move slowly making regular muffled explosive sounds, as of an engine running slowly (ఛగ్, ఛగ్ మని రైలు బయలుదేరేటపుడు చేసే శబ్ధంలాంటిది)

got off something (v): to leave a train, bus, or aircraft:(దిగుట)

Eg: He got off the bus when it was his corner to go home.

dreadful (adj): causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious (భయంకరమైన)

Eg: The dog was really dreadful when it attacked us.

terribly (adv): very; extremely (చాలా)

lemonade (n): a drink made from lemon juice and water sweetened with sugar (నిమ్మరసం)

Eg: We drink lemonade on summer days. 

I am afraid not (expression): it is used to say ‘no’ for a question (ఒక ప్రశ్నకి సమాధానంగా ‘no’ అని చెప్పే బదులుగా I am afraid not ను ఉపయోగిస్తాము.

Eg: A: Don’t you have any orange juice or lemonade?

B: I am afraid not.

tender (adj): of food) easy to cut or chew; not tough (ఇక్కడ సులభంగా తినగలిగేది మరియు జీర్ణమయ్యేది)

Eg: It is a tender bit of sugar-cane. 

root (n): the part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, (వృక్ష భాగము)

Eg: Trees get water and minerals through their roots.

exclaimed (v): cry out suddenly in surprise, strong emotion, or pain (ఆశ్చర్యము వ్యక్తం చేయడం)

Eg: The mouse exclaimed to have the village type of food.

I’m afraid (expression) : used for politely telling someone something that might make them sad, disappointed, or angry 

Eg: A: Is this the food you take daily?

B: I am afraid you too have to eat this. Please try this. It’s not bad.

nibbled (v): take small bites out of (కొద్దికొద్దిగా కొరకడం)
Eg: The town mouse nibbled at the root.

quiet (adj): making little or no noise (నిశ్శబ్దంగా)

Eg: The streets in the village are quiet at night.


 Make a note these 40 important questions and answers in your note book and read them as many time as possible to get the understanding better. 👇👇👇👇

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse 

Important comprehension questions and answers for better understanding

1.         Who were cousins? 

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse were cousins.

2.               What did they often write?

They often write letters to each other.

3.               Who got the letter from the Town Mouse?

The Country Mouse got the letter from the Town Mouse.

4.               Who wrote the letter to the Country Mouse?

The Town Mouse wrote the letter to the Country Mouse.

5.               Where did the Town Mouse write the letter?

The Town Mouse wrote the letter from the Kitchen Cupboard from Mouse Town.

6.               Why did the Town Mouse want to visit the countryside? 

The Town Mouse was ill. So, the doctor suggested him to spend a week in the countryside. 

7.               Where did the Country Mouse live?

The Country Mouse lived in the countryside. 

8.               Did the Country Mouse reply to his cousin?

Yes, the Country Mouse replied to his cousin to visit the countryside.

9.               How did the Town Mouse go to the countryside?

The Town Mouse went to the countryside on a train. 

10.            How was the day when the Town Mouse went to the countryside?

The day was bright and sunny.

11.            Who felt hot in the train?

The Town Mouse felt hot in the train. 

12.            What did the Town Mouse wish to have in the train?

The Town Mouse wished to have an air-conditioned coach.

13.            Why do you think the Town Mouse felt uncomfortable on the train?

Perhaps, the Town Mouse felt uncomfortable because it was a hot sunny day.

14.            Who was waiting at the station? 

The Country Mouse was waiting at the station. 

15.            Why do you think the Country Mouse was waiting at the station?

The Country Mouse was waiting at the station to  receive his cousin. 

16.            How did the Town Mouse feel the journey?

The Town Mouse felt that the journey was dreadful.

17.            What did the Town Mouse want for when he got off the train?

The Town Mouse wanted something ice-cold for him to drink. 

18.            What did the Country Mouse offer his cousin when he arrived?

The Country Mouse offered some water and coconut water.

19.            Did the Town Mouse like the coconut water?

No, the Town Mouse didn’t like the coconut water.

20.            What did the Town Mouse want instead of the coconut water?

The Town Mouse wanted some orange juice or lemonade.

21.            What was the food the Country Mouse offered to his cousin?

The Country Mouse offered a piece of root and a tender bit of sugar-cane and some other raw food.

22.            What type of food the countryside mice eat?

The countryside mice eat raw food like sugar-cane, root of plants etc.

23.            Did the Town Mouse enjoy the food in the countryside? 

No, the Town Mouse didn’t enjoy the food in the countryside.

24.            Where did the Town Mouse sleep on that day?

The Town Mouse slept on the ground.

25.            Where do the Country Mouse sleep usually?

The Country Mouse usually sleeps on the ground.

26.            How was the countryside for the Town Mouse in the night?

It was so silent and peaceful. But the Town Mouse had never been in such a place.

27.            What did the Country Mouse’s grandfather say about the country?

The grandfather of the Country Mouse said that their village was the quietest among all the villages in their district.

28.            Did the Town Mouse like the countryside?

No, the Town Mouse didn’t like the countryside.

29.            How did the countryside mice find food?

They had to go to the nearby farm to search for food.

30.            Why do you think the Town Mouse started immediately to town?

The Town Mouse didn’t like the way the Country Mouse lived. He didn’t want to stay anymore. So, he immediately started to go to town.

31.            Why did the Country Mouse write the letter?

The Country Mouse wanted to visit his cousin. So, he wrote the letter.

32.            Why did the Country Mouse surprise in the town when he arrived? 

When the Country Mouse arrived at the town, he was surprised by the noise and the lights.

33.            Where do you think the noise came from?

The dreadful noise came from the traffic.

34.            Where did the Town Mouse live?

The Town Mouse lived at the back of a kitchen cupboard of a house.

35.            What type of food was offered by the Town Mouse?

The bread and jam, different kinds of fruits, slabs of chocolate and a huge piece of lovely cheese were offered by the Town Mouse.

36.            Where do you think the thunder-like sound came from?

It was the sound of someone who opened the cupboard.

37.            Why do you think the Country Mouse got tired?

The Country Mouse got quite tired of running and hiding when they went for food.

38.            Do you think the Country Mouse liked the way that the Town Mouse lived?

No, the Country Mouse didn’t like the way the Town Mouse lived.

39.            Who do you think was happy, the Country Mouse of the Town Mouse?

Both the Country Mouse and the Town Mouse were happy living at their respective places. But they didn’t like the other’s way of living.

40.            Where do you like to live, in the countryside or in the town?

Write your own answer here.

మీకు పాఠం చదివిన తరువాత, ఈ ప్రశ్నలు సమాధానాలు చదివిన తరువాత ఒక సారి వీడియో పాఠం చూడండి.

Watch the video lesson in English


Watch the video lesson in Telugu


09 August 2021

6th Class Bridge Gap Activity Worksheet

 6th Class Bridge Gap Activity Worksheet

    Here is a worksheet based on a picture. You have to observe the complete picture and answer the questions that follow the picture. They are simple for your but be cautious while answering them. Every time you answer a question do please check the picture once again and answer it. All the best. 

Watch the video lesson before you do the worksheet


Here is the worksheet


 6th Class Bridge Gap Activity Worksheet

    Here is a worksheet based on a picture. You have to observe the complete picture and answer the questions that follow the picture. They are simple for your but be cautious while answering them. Every time you answer a question do please check the picture once again and answer it. All the best. 

Watch the video lesson before you do the worksheet


Here is the worksheet


03 August 2021

Peace and Harmony Glossary (meanings for 30 difficult words) for class 6 English

 Peace and Harmony Glossary (meanings for 30 difficult words) with pictures and example sentences
Peace and Harmony - Glossary
ఈ వీడియో పాఠం శ్రధ్దగా చూడండి
Watch this video lesson here👇👇👇

వీడియో పాఠం చూసిన తరువాత ఈ ్రకింది new words కి meanings మీ fair note book లో రాసి మీ టీచరుకు చూపించండి.👇👇👇

peace (n): freedom from disturbance; tranquillity (శాంతి)

Eg: All the animals in the forest lived together in peace and harmony.

harmony (n) a situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when things seem right or suitable together (సామరస్యం)

Eg: Everyone exprects peace and harmony in their locality.

together (adv): into companionship or close association (కలిసి, ఒకటిగా)

Eg: The animals in the forest lived together.

roamed (v): moved about or travelled aimlessly over a wide area (తిరిగారు)

Eg: The animals roamed about the jungle feely without any fear.

open fields (n): any area of the playing field away from the traffic (బహిరంగ క్షేత్రాలు)

Eg: The animals roamed in the open fields in the jungle. 

proud (n):feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction (గర్వం)

Eg: The peacocks can dance well. So, they feel proud of themselves.

admired (v):regard with respect or warm approval (ఇష్టపడి మెచ్చుకొను)

Eg: The peacocks admired the songs of the cuckoos.

melodious (adj):pleasant-sounding (మధురమైన లేదా శ్రావ్యమైన)

Eg: The cuckoos can sing songs melodiously.

pythons (n): a large heavy-bodied non-venomous snake (కొండచిలువలు)

Eg: Pythons are blessed with long bodies.

fur (n): the short, fine, soft hair of certain animals (బొచ్చు/వెంట్రుకలు)

Eg: The sheep has fine fur on its body.

tiny (adj): small in size (చిన్న/సూక్ష్మమైన)

Eg: It’s a tiny butterfly on my finger.

tickled (v): lightly touch or prod (a person or a part of the body) in a way that causes mild discomfort or itching and often laughter (చక్కిలిగింత)

Eg: The friend tickled and I laughed.

exhibited (v): publicly display (a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair (ప్రదర్శించు)

Eg: We exhibited our science experiments in our school.

poisoned (v): spoiled (ఇక్కడ  ఆలోచనలను విషపూరితం చేయడం అంటే చెడగొట్టడం అని అర్థం)

Eg: The jackal poisoned the minds of the animals.

praise (v): express warm approval or admiration of (ప్రశంసించు/మెచ్చుకొను)

Eg: Our teachers and parents praise us when we do something good.

approached (v):speak to (someone) for the first time about a proposal or request (సమీపించు)

Eg: We approach our teacher when we get any doubt.

whispered (v): speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat, especially for the sake of secrecy (గుసగుస)

Eg: We whisper when something is secret.

boundaries (n):a line which marks the limits of an area; a dividing line (సరిహద్దు)

Eg: Every house has a boundary around it.

fences (n): a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to prevent or control access or escape (కంచెలు)

Eg: We build fences around our farms to protect them from animals.

property (n): objects or things owned by somebody (ఆస్తి)

Eg: We have no property. Honesty is only our property.

disappeared (v): be lost or go missing; become impossible to find (అదృశ్యమగు)

Eg: The sun disappears in the evening.

appeared (v): come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause (ప్రత్యక్షమగు/అగుపించు)

Eg: The sun appears in the East in the morning.

woe (n): great sorrow or distress (దుఃఖకరమైన)

Eg: All the animals went to meet sadhu to narrate their tales of woe. 

accompanied (v): go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort (కలిసి)

Eg: The cat accompanied the dog to their friends.

opportunity (n): a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something (అవకాశం)

Eg: There may be many opportunities in our life.

unanimously (adv): without opposition; with the agreement of all people involved (ఏకగ్రీవంగా)

Eg: Ramadevi is elected unanimously sarpanch for Sripally village panchayat.

supper (n): an evening meal, typically a light or informal one (రాత్రి భోజనం)

Eg: We have completed our supper.

disappointed (adj): sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfil one's hopes or expectations (నిరాశ చెందిన)

Eg: He was disappointed in the exams.

strange (adj): unusual or surprising; difficult to understand or explain (వింతైన)

Eg: He looks strange.

bloat (v): make or become swollen with fluid or gas (ఉబ్బు)

Eg: The pig bloated after an accident. 

 Peace and Harmony Glossary (meanings for 30 difficult words) with pictures and example sentences
Peace and Harmony - Glossary
ఈ వీడియో పాఠం శ్రధ్దగా చూడండి
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వీడియో పాఠం చూసిన తరువాత ఈ ్రకింది new words కి meanings మీ fair note book లో రాసి మీ టీచరుకు చూపించండి.👇👇👇

peace (n): freedom from disturbance; tranquillity (శాంతి)

Eg: All the animals in the forest lived together in peace and harmony.

harmony (n) a situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when things seem right or suitable together (సామరస్యం)

Eg: Everyone exprects peace and harmony in their locality.

together (adv): into companionship or close association (కలిసి, ఒకటిగా)

Eg: The animals in the forest lived together.

roamed (v): moved about or travelled aimlessly over a wide area (తిరిగారు)

Eg: The animals roamed about the jungle feely without any fear.

open fields (n): any area of the playing field away from the traffic (బహిరంగ క్షేత్రాలు)

Eg: The animals roamed in the open fields in the jungle. 

proud (n):feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction (గర్వం)

Eg: The peacocks can dance well. So, they feel proud of themselves.

admired (v):regard with respect or warm approval (ఇష్టపడి మెచ్చుకొను)

Eg: The peacocks admired the songs of the cuckoos.

melodious (adj):pleasant-sounding (మధురమైన లేదా శ్రావ్యమైన)

Eg: The cuckoos can sing songs melodiously.

pythons (n): a large heavy-bodied non-venomous snake (కొండచిలువలు)

Eg: Pythons are blessed with long bodies.

fur (n): the short, fine, soft hair of certain animals (బొచ్చు/వెంట్రుకలు)

Eg: The sheep has fine fur on its body.

tiny (adj): small in size (చిన్న/సూక్ష్మమైన)

Eg: It’s a tiny butterfly on my finger.

tickled (v): lightly touch or prod (a person or a part of the body) in a way that causes mild discomfort or itching and often laughter (చక్కిలిగింత)

Eg: The friend tickled and I laughed.

exhibited (v): publicly display (a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair (ప్రదర్శించు)

Eg: We exhibited our science experiments in our school.

poisoned (v): spoiled (ఇక్కడ  ఆలోచనలను విషపూరితం చేయడం అంటే చెడగొట్టడం అని అర్థం)

Eg: The jackal poisoned the minds of the animals.

praise (v): express warm approval or admiration of (ప్రశంసించు/మెచ్చుకొను)

Eg: Our teachers and parents praise us when we do something good.

approached (v):speak to (someone) for the first time about a proposal or request (సమీపించు)

Eg: We approach our teacher when we get any doubt.

whispered (v): speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat, especially for the sake of secrecy (గుసగుస)

Eg: We whisper when something is secret.

boundaries (n):a line which marks the limits of an area; a dividing line (సరిహద్దు)

Eg: Every house has a boundary around it.

fences (n): a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to prevent or control access or escape (కంచెలు)

Eg: We build fences around our farms to protect them from animals.

property (n): objects or things owned by somebody (ఆస్తి)

Eg: We have no property. Honesty is only our property.

disappeared (v): be lost or go missing; become impossible to find (అదృశ్యమగు)

Eg: The sun disappears in the evening.

appeared (v): come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause (ప్రత్యక్షమగు/అగుపించు)

Eg: The sun appears in the East in the morning.

woe (n): great sorrow or distress (దుఃఖకరమైన)

Eg: All the animals went to meet sadhu to narrate their tales of woe. 

accompanied (v): go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort (కలిసి)

Eg: The cat accompanied the dog to their friends.

opportunity (n): a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something (అవకాశం)

Eg: There may be many opportunities in our life.

unanimously (adv): without opposition; with the agreement of all people involved (ఏకగ్రీవంగా)

Eg: Ramadevi is elected unanimously sarpanch for Sripally village panchayat.

supper (n): an evening meal, typically a light or informal one (రాత్రి భోజనం)

Eg: We have completed our supper.

disappointed (adj): sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfil one's hopes or expectations (నిరాశ చెందిన)

Eg: He was disappointed in the exams.

strange (adj): unusual or surprising; difficult to understand or explain (వింతైన)

Eg: He looks strange.

bloat (v): make or become swollen with fluid or gas (ఉబ్బు)

Eg: The pig bloated after an accident. 

Peace and Harmony questions and answers for better comprehension

 Peace and Harmony questions and answers f
or better comprehension

ఈ వీడియో పాఠం శ్రధ్దగా చూడండి
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వీడియో పాఠం చూసిన తరువాత ఈ ్రకింది ప్రశ్నలు జవాబులు మీ fair note book లో రాసి మీ టీచరుకు చూపించండి.👇👇👇

1. What is the story about? 

The story is about the peace and harmony in a forest.

2. Where was the story happened? 

The setting of the story is a thick forest.

3. Who lived together? 

The animals, birds, snakes and the insects lived together in the forest.

4. How did the animals, birds, snakes and insects live? 

The animals, birds, snakes and the insects lived together in peace and harmony in the forest. They helped each other. They never hurt anyone.

5. Who were proud of their dances? 

The peacocks were proud of their dances. They danced pretty well. All the animals in the forest admired the dance of the peacocks.

6. How did the elephants enjoy? 

The elephants enjoyed watching the fish swimming in the pool.

7. Who tickled the dark buffaloes? 

The tiny ants tickled the dark buffaloes.

8. Who danced in the musical evenings?

The elephant and the deer danced well in the musical evenings.  

9. Who sang in the musical evenings? 

The mynahs and the parrots sand in the musical evenings. 

10. What did the tiger and bear exhibit in the musical evenings? 

The tiger and the bear exhibited the gymnastics in the musical evenings in the forest.

11. Who were the guests of honour? 

The moon and the stars were the guests of honour for the musical evenings in the forest.

12. Who spoiled the peace in the forest? 

The cunning jackal spoiled the peace in the forest. 

13. What happened after the entry of the jackal? 

After entering the forest the jackal spoiled and poisoned the minds of the animals. The animals were divided among themselves.

14. Why the little animals disappeared one by one? 

After the peace and harmony were disturbed the jackal hunted the little animals one by one. So, they were disappeared one by one.

15. Why was the moon sad? 

The moon was happy when the animals lived together in peace and harmony. But now the peace was gone. The animals suspected each other. The little ones disappeared one by one. And there were no musical evenings in the forest. So, the moon was sad.

16. Who was the sadhu actually? 

The moon came as the sadhu in the jungle. 

17. Why did the animals approach the sadhu? 

The animals were in danger. They were not living a peaceful and harmonious life. When the sadhu came they approached him to ask him to change the situation. 

18. What did the animals ask the sadhu? 

As soon as the sadhu appeared in the forest, the animals and the birds approached him to narrate their tales of woe.

19. How did the jackal kill the sadhu? 

The jackal dragged the sadhu and ran into the jungle. He took the sadhu to a lonely place, tore him into pieces and ate him up.

20. Who killed the jackal actually?

The jackal ate the sadhu. The stomach of the jackal bloated and bust into pieces. Hence, we can say that the sadhu/the moon killed the jackal indirectly.

 Peace and Harmony questions and answers f
or better comprehension

ఈ వీడియో పాఠం శ్రధ్దగా చూడండి
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వీడియో పాఠం చూసిన తరువాత ఈ ్రకింది ప్రశ్నలు జవాబులు మీ fair note book లో రాసి మీ టీచరుకు చూపించండి.👇👇👇

1. What is the story about? 

The story is about the peace and harmony in a forest.

2. Where was the story happened? 

The setting of the story is a thick forest.

3. Who lived together? 

The animals, birds, snakes and the insects lived together in the forest.

4. How did the animals, birds, snakes and insects live? 

The animals, birds, snakes and the insects lived together in peace and harmony in the forest. They helped each other. They never hurt anyone.

5. Who were proud of their dances? 

The peacocks were proud of their dances. They danced pretty well. All the animals in the forest admired the dance of the peacocks.

6. How did the elephants enjoy? 

The elephants enjoyed watching the fish swimming in the pool.

7. Who tickled the dark buffaloes? 

The tiny ants tickled the dark buffaloes.

8. Who danced in the musical evenings?

The elephant and the deer danced well in the musical evenings.  

9. Who sang in the musical evenings? 

The mynahs and the parrots sand in the musical evenings. 

10. What did the tiger and bear exhibit in the musical evenings? 

The tiger and the bear exhibited the gymnastics in the musical evenings in the forest.

11. Who were the guests of honour? 

The moon and the stars were the guests of honour for the musical evenings in the forest.

12. Who spoiled the peace in the forest? 

The cunning jackal spoiled the peace in the forest. 

13. What happened after the entry of the jackal? 

After entering the forest the jackal spoiled and poisoned the minds of the animals. The animals were divided among themselves.

14. Why the little animals disappeared one by one? 

After the peace and harmony were disturbed the jackal hunted the little animals one by one. So, they were disappeared one by one.

15. Why was the moon sad? 

The moon was happy when the animals lived together in peace and harmony. But now the peace was gone. The animals suspected each other. The little ones disappeared one by one. And there were no musical evenings in the forest. So, the moon was sad.

16. Who was the sadhu actually? 

The moon came as the sadhu in the jungle. 

17. Why did the animals approach the sadhu? 

The animals were in danger. They were not living a peaceful and harmonious life. When the sadhu came they approached him to ask him to change the situation. 

18. What did the animals ask the sadhu? 

As soon as the sadhu appeared in the forest, the animals and the birds approached him to narrate their tales of woe.

19. How did the jackal kill the sadhu? 

The jackal dragged the sadhu and ran into the jungle. He took the sadhu to a lonely place, tore him into pieces and ate him up.

20. Who killed the jackal actually?

The jackal ate the sadhu. The stomach of the jackal bloated and bust into pieces. Hence, we can say that the sadhu/the moon killed the jackal indirectly.

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