02 September 2017

Slogans - Supports to use in all kinds of discourses

Slogans - Supports to use in all kinds of discourses Here is a list of slogans on various events and problems to awaken the people. The given slogans may be useful while writing any kind of discourse. Slogans are the artistic and attractive sentences or statements given for a particular awareness on some issues. Hence...

Slogans - Supports to use in all kinds of discourses

Here is a list of slogans on various events and problems to awaken the people. The given slogans may be useful while writing any kind of discourse. Slogans are the artistic and attractive sentences or statements given for a particular awareness on some issues. Hence they are useful for writing discourses. They attracts the readers eye. To download the file click the link given under the post.


1.       Be clear for environment care.
2.       Celebrate every day as environment day.
3.       Don’t be greedy, it’s time to be greeny.
4.       Don’t be so mean, just be green!!
5.       Enjoy the environment but do not destroy it.
6.       Environment is green but we need to make it clean!
7.       Environment is our basic need; we should not waste it for our greed.
8.       Go green and eliminate the global warming.
9.       If we care and love our environment, it will return more to us.
10.    If you have fear of God, save the environment.
11.    It’s time to work together on the theme of “save environment”.
12.    Let us take a pledge to save the environment.
13.    Let’s go green as it makes environment clean.
14.    Let’s work together to save environment.
15.    Love the Nature for our Future.
16.    Make safer environment for better tomorrow.
17.    Make the natural environment your habit!
18.    Never let your greed overcome with green.
19.    Nurture the nature to save environment.
20.    One who does not love the nature, cannot love anything in life.
21.    Recycle your wastes to maintain natural life cycle of environment.
22.    Save environment from global warming.
23.    Save environment, save earth!!
24.    Save environment, save life.
25.    Save the nature to save the future.
26.    To have a protective screen, let our environment be green and clean.
27.    We cannot generate the new environment but we can save it.


1.       Air mask is a short-term solution from air pollution
2.       Air pollution can hit IQ level of your kid
3.       Air pollution causes asthma in your kids
4.       Air pollution is main cause of several respiratory diseases
5.       Always drink boiled water
6.       Always use biodegradable plastic bags
7.       Always use public transport to reduce air pollution
8.       Avoid excessive use of pesticide and chemical fertilizer
9.       Avoid using plastic bags
10.    Be fair for green care
11.    Better Environment Better Tomorrow
12.    Black plastic bags cause skin cancer
13.    Cleanliness means is the Godliness
14.    Conserve water and energy resources
15.    Dispose the garbage at designated place
16.    Do your share to care water
17.    Don’t be mean, let’s be green
18.    Don’t let our environment be polluted!!
19.    Don’t litter, it will make your life bitter
20.    Dustbin is for use, life is not to excuse
21.    Earth is the only livable planet; just save it
22.    Eliminating pollution is the best solution to save the environment.
23.    Environment is life, pollution is death
24.    Every Day is World Environment Day
25.    Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute
26.    Global warming is actually a global warning
27.    If we pollute the environment, we destroy the life.
28.    Industries must abide by green rules
29.    Invest sometime for environmental care and safety.
30.    It’s time to act; save the planet Earth
31.    It’s time to make pollution free environment.
32.    Keep engine and silencer of your vehicle in good condition
33.    Keep environment safe and pollution free.
34.    Keep investing in green technologies
35.    Keep planting trees to hit air pollution
36.    Keep your area green and clean
37.    Keep your homes and surroundings clean
38.    Less pollution is the best solution
39.    Lesser the pollution, better the life
40.    Let’s protect our natural resources
41.    Let’s save our mother Earth
42.    Love your oceans by taking care of them
43.    Make this world a green heaven
44.    Make water resources free from contamination
45.    Make your every day Earth Day
46.    Never let anyone to pollute your environment
47.    Never make your sea a dustbin
48.    Nurture the Nature
49.    Only we can make the future green
50.    Plantation is best option to gain green environment.
51.    Plantation is the best option against pollution
52.    Polluting the environment is a punishable crime
53.    Pollution is also a weapon of mass destruction
54.    Pollution is enemy to healthy environment.
55.    Pollution is injurious to environment.
56.    Pollution is injurious to health
57.    Pollution is our silent enemy, just finish it silently
58.    Pollution isn’t cool, so don’t be a fool!
59.    Raise awareness on environment
60.    Recycling begins at home
61.    Reduce noise level for a calmer living
62.    Reuse, Reduce, Recycle and never be confused
63.    Safer the environment healthier the life
64.    Save Earth from Global Warming
65.    Say no to pollution in every moment of your life
66.    Serve to Conserve
67.    Silence is the best tool to combat noise pollution
68.    Stay unchanged against climate change
69.    Stop burning of garbage
70.    The best solution of pollution is its dilution
71.    Water pollution can create stone in your kidney
72.    Water pollution is main cause of gastro diseases
73.    We need to follow all the environmental laws.
74.    We really need the pollution free environment! Just do it.

Save Girl Child Slogans

1.       A baby girl is one of the god’s most precious gifts
2.       A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on
3.       A girl child, an uncut diamond
4.       A girl, not only educate herself, educate the whole nation
5.       Be bold to stop violence. Show your concern for the girl child
6.       Care, because she does it selflessly
7.       Daughter is a daughter for life
8.       Daughter, a most beautiful gift from the GOD
9.       Daughters are flowers that are forever in bloom
10.    Don’t be cold; Girls are worth more than gold!
11.    Don’t be cruel Oh Selfish! – Let me swim like colorful fish
12.    Girl child are like rose petals, save them
13.    Girls are angels, save them
14.    Girls are coldness of father’s eyes
15.    Girls are not emails so don’t delete them
16.    I have dreams too, save me
17.    Joy at every stage, Welcome the baby girl
18.    Let me live – Let me bloom – Let me shine like beautiful moon
19.    Let me see this beautiful earth – Please don’t kill me before birth
20.    Listen my cry, let me go to fulfill my dreams
21.    Little Girls are Heaven’s Flowers
22.    No girl – No mother – No life
23.    Please help us save the girl!
24.    Pretty dresses Little Curls, Oh thank heaven for little girls!
25.    Save girl child – Save future mother – Save future sister – Save future wife
26.    Save the future mothers and grandmothers. Save Girls
27.    Save the girl child or think of world without them
28.    Saving girl child is like saving the upcoming generations
29.    Should mother, should sister, should wife – then why shouldn’t daughter?
30.    We will certainly need mothers
31.    You want mother, you want sister, you want wife, why don’t you want a daughter?

Road Safety Slogans

1.       A driving tip for the day – yield the right of way.
2.       Accidents are held by mistake, if you take road rules as fake.
3.       Accidents do not happen, they are caused.
4.       Adjust mirrors while driving can save you from dying.
5.       Alert today – Alive tomorrow.
6.       Always be proactive about safety.
7.       Always remember; drive slower to live longer.
8.       Always use seat belt, to reduce accident rate.
9.       Always wait for red; don’t go for bleed.
10.    Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac.
11.    Be a best driver to be a good survivor.
12.    Be a driver not clever while driving.
13.    Be a safety hero, score an accident zero.
14.    Be alert as accidents hurts.
15.    Be alert to be safe and secure.
16.    Be alert to reduce road side accidents.
17.    Be alert to save your life.
18.    Be alert while driving on road.
19.    Be alert! Accidents hurt.
20.    Be alert, your wife needs you.
21.    Be safe, not sorry.
22.    Be safety minded at home.
23.    Be safety smart, before you start.
24.    Be sure to tie seat belt before driving the car.
25.    Be sure to wear helmet before driving bike.
26.    Better be Mister Late than to be Late Mister
27.    Better Late than Never!
28.    Better to lock out than luck out.
29.    Do not mix drinking and driving
30.    Do not use cell phone while driving
31.    Don’t be blind keep in mind all the road safety measures.
32.    Don’t be fool, follow traffic rules.
33.    Don’t be fool, respect road safety rules.
34.    Don’t be in hurry otherwise you will get worry.
35.    Don’t drive in wrong lane; it will leave you in pain.
36.    Don’t use phone while driving, it will leave your family alone.
37.    Don’t watch her behind. Keep safety in mind!
38.    Donate Blood!! But not on roads!    
39.    Drive as if every child on the street were you own.
40.    Drive like hell and you will be there.
41.    Drive safely to make accidents rarely.
42.    Drive safety rules are your best tools
43.    Drive slowly, as fast drive can be last drive.
44.    Drive slowly; someone is waiting at home.
45.    Drive with reason this holiday season.
46.    Drive, don’t fly
47.    Driving faster can cause disaster.
48.    Driving like there’s no tomorrow is likely to produce that result.
49.    Drug, drink and drive never go together.
50.    Drunk and drive cannot go together.
51.    Everything comes your way, if you are in the wrong lane.
52.    Fast drive could be Last drive
53.    Fast driving is not safe, follow the limit to avoid chafe.
54.    Fast driving is prohibited, follow it!
55.    Fast speed driving becomes thriving but life taking.
56.    Follow driving tips all through the day to keep accidents away.
57.    Follow road culture to save your future.
58.    Follow road safety rules!
59.    Follow traffic rules and save lives.
60.    Follow traffic rules, save your future
61.    Have another day
62.    Hit and run was meant for the ball field.
63.    Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car.
64.    Ice & Snow – Take it slow
65.    If u don’t have traffic sense You will find yourself in ambulance  
66.    If you know you are driving to your death –would you still drive so fast?
67.    Injury gives your tears whereas safety cheers.
68.    It’s cool to be safe!.
69.    It’s wise to be slow while driving.
70.    Keep you informed with road safety norms.
71.    Keep your eyes on the road even in the lack of crowd.
72.    Know road safety, No injury. No road safety, Know injury.
73.    Leave sooner, drive slower, and live longer.
74.    Life don’t have Reset button. Drive safe.
75.    Look every way every day!
76.    Make every move a safe one.
77.    Make safety as your first priority.
78.    Mountains are pleasure if you drive with leisure
79.    Never drink while driving.
80.    Night doubles traffic troubles.
81.    No safety no happy family.
82.    Normal speed meets every need.
83.    Normal speed meets the road safety needs.
84.    Obey traffic police; follow traffic rules to avoid accidents.
85.    Prepare and prevent, don’t repair and repent.
86.    Reckless driving just may be your ticket to some place out of this world!
87.    Remember it just, road safety is must.
88.    Remember safety!
89.    Road safety is a cheaper & effective insurance.
90.    Road safety is a state of mind; accident is an absence of mind.
91.    Road sense is the offspring of courtesy and the parent of safety
92.    Roads are made to drive but not to fly.
93.    Safe Driving, Saves Lives.
94.    Safety at home, Safety at work. Two simple ways, NOT to get hurt.
95.    Safety first & safety always.
96.    Safety has no time out!!!
97.    Safety in, We will win.
98.    Safety is a state of mind.
99.    Safety is as safety does.
100.Safety is endless.
101.Safety is no accident.
102.Safety is not automatic, think about it.
103.Safety is your family insurance.
104.Safety starts with “S”, begins with “You”
105.Safety, it’s my job.
106.Safety: It’s the tool for LIFE
107.Say no to carelessness!.
108.Seek safety – Follow safety.
109.Shining Bright Lights at each other is not Road Safety.
110.Shortcuts cut life short.
111.Slow down! Your family will be waiting for you.
112.Speed has 5 letters so has death… Slow has 4 letters so has life.
113.Speed thrills but kills!
114.Stay alert don’t get hurt.
115.Stay Alive – Think and Drive.
116.Stay safe.
117.Stop accidents before they stop you!!
118.Stop driving fast before accident stop you.
119.Take safety seriously.
120.Take steps to make your life safer.
121.Teach your neighbor to be a good driver.
122.The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.
123.The best drivers are aware that they must be beware
124.The safe way is the best way.
125.There is no substitute for safety.
126.Think about safety first then drive.
127.To avoid death, use seat belt!
128.Walk safely please.
129.While driving avoid phone or else your family will be left alone
130.Wrong driving may stop your breathe and cause death!
131.You can’t get home, unless you’re safe.
132.Your destination is reward for safe driving.
133.Your life is in your hands.
134.Your little care while driving can make accidents rare.

14 August 2017

Easy గా English లో Sentences రాయడం నేర్పడం ఎలా?

How to make L.P.L. student learn sentence formation easily? Here is an article which is focused on "Mind Mapping Technique." It is written in Telugu. It deals with the technique to make our children use the language in complete sentences. It is mentioned in L.E.P. Module of Telangana State and some other English Modules...

How to make L.P.L. student learn sentence formation easily?

Here is an article which is focused on "Mind Mapping Technique." It is written in Telugu. It deals with the technique to make our children use the language in complete sentences. It is mentioned in L.E.P. Module of Telangana State and some other English Modules as a suggestive activity. It is tried to make it clear in Telugu for a complete understanding. If you like it share the link on your social media. Thanks for your support to continue my efforts on this site...

To download the file click the link given below.

11 August 2017

Project Work for FA2 Supporting Material for class 10 English

10th Class English FA2 Project Work Supporting Material Project Work for FA2 Supporting Material for class 10 English Here is a model project work supporting material for class 10 English for FA2 and it's model report. If you like this page please share it on your social media. Thanking you for your support. For more updates visit frequently this site. To download the file click the link...

10th Class English

FA2 Project Work

Supporting Material

Project Work for FA2 Supporting Material for class 10 English

Here is a model project work supporting material for class 10 English for FA2 and it's model report. If you like this page please share it on your social media. Thanking you for your support. For more updates visit frequently this site. To download the file click the link given below.

01 August 2017

Spices vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures

Spices vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures Here is a list of vocabulary related to the spices in English language and given the exact Telugu term with some beautiful pictures of the spices. To download the file click the link given below. If you like this post please share...

Spices vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures

Here is a list of vocabulary related to the spices in English language and given the exact Telugu term with some beautiful pictures of the spices. To download the file click the link given below. If you like this post please share this page on your social network. Thank you...

Animals vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures

Animals vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures Here is a list of vocabulary related to the Animals in English language and given the exact Telugu term with some beautiful pictures of the animals. To download the file click the link given below. If you like this post please share...

Animals vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures

Here is a list of vocabulary related to the Animals in English language and given the exact Telugu term with some beautiful pictures of the animals. To download the file click the link given below. If you like this post please share this page on your social network. Thank you...

31 July 2017

Fruits vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures

Fruits vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures Here is a list of vocabulary related to the fruits in English language and given the exact Telugu term with some beautiful pictures of the fruit. To download the file click the link given below. If you like this post please share this...

Fruits vocabulary from English to Telugu for 3rs supporting material with pictures

Here is a list of vocabulary related to the fruits in English language and given the exact Telugu term with some beautiful pictures of the fruit. To download the file click the link given below. If you like this post please share this page on your social network. Thank you...

Vegetable Vocabulary English to Telugu with pictures

Vegetable Vocabulary English to Telugu with pictures Here is a list of vocabulary given under the category of Vegetable in English and its equivalent Telugu words. By clicking the link given below you can download it. If you like this page please share it on your social medial groups. Thank you... Click to download...

Vegetable Vocabulary English to Telugu with pictures

Here is a list of vocabulary given under the category of Vegetable in English and its equivalent Telugu words. By clicking the link given below you can download it. If you like this page please share it on your social medial groups. Thank you...

30 July 2017

family vocabulary from English to Telugu

Family vocabulary from English Here is a list of family vocabulary that will help you to understand and to call your family members. Here is a list given under. Please click the link given below to download the file. Click to download famil...

Family vocabulary from English

Here is a list of family vocabulary that will help you to understand and to call your family members. Here is a list given under. Please click the link given below to download the file.

16 July 2017

Another Woman – Imtiaz Dharker (A Detailed Analysis)

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Another Woman – Imtiaz Dharker (A Detailed Analysis)
Basic themes on which the poem revolves around

  • Wife/Daughter-in-Law = Servant
  • Importance/Significance of the Male compared to the Female
  • Could relate to any ‘Indian’ Woman (rural areas of the Indian Subcontinent)
  • Domestic Violence
  • Born on 1954, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Moved to Glasgow with her parents when she was less than a year old
  • 5 books of poetry, all self illustrated
  • Seen as one of the most inspirational contemporary poets of Britain
  • Awarded the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry

The Poet – in a Nutshell
Ø   Purdah (1989)
Ø   Postcards from God (1997) – including Purdah
Ø   I Speak for the Devil (2001)
Ø   Terrorists at My Table (2006)
Ø   Leaving Fingerprints (2009)
Ø   Over the Moon (2014)
 The Poem – A detailed Summary:

             The poem starts off with the Protagonist buying her usual grocery for her family. She buys ‘methi’, choosing the freshest bunch available. After that, she picks up a radish, imagining the sweet and sharp sensations that it would create in her mouth when she would eat it. But then again, she steps back into reality and keeps the radish aside because the money she has, it is not her money. It is considered as her ‘husband’s family’s money’ and she would not be allowed to spend it the way she liked. There could be no extravagant spending on her part. So, after carefully counting her coins and tying them in a bundle into her sari, she left for home.
When she reaches home, the first thing she faces is her Mother-in-Law’s dark looks. Looks that contained not just anger but hatred of the deepest kind. Without any response, the Protagonist goes on with her work. She cut the ‘methi’ that she had bought and chopped them, turning her hands yellow in the process due to the juice. She finely cut an onion and cooked the whole thing in a pot with salt and cumin seeds on the stove, shielding her face from the heat.

                In the first paragraph we find that the lady, although she is the wife/Daughter-in-Law, she has to live life there with a very servile attitude. Maybe even servants were treated better than she was. At least they would not have to face the dark looks from their masters when they return after buying groceries for their masters. The lady’s life in her husband’s house has no value. She is treated as an object that cleans, cooks, does all the household chores and also as an object on which the other family members can take out their frustration on.

               The Mother-in-Law comes in again and piles up her usual scolding on the Protagonist. She scolds her for spending the money and for countless other reasons which she is not even responsible for. She curses the lady’s parents for giving birth to her and more so for marrying this lady to her son. She feels the Protagonist is a bad omen and due to her presence, the home is darkened.

               In the second paragraph, we find the Mother-in-Law scolding and cursing the Protagonist. The main and the only reason behind this is because the Protagonist’s father/family has not been able to pay the required amount of Dowry.

                      As usual, she crouches on the floor and continues with her work. Her husband comes home and she does not even have the usual liberty of a normal wife to talk to her husband about their day and their problems. The unpaid Dowry stole her every single liberty, even vocal liberties.

                         The third paragraph shows us that the unpaid dowry has caused a failure not just in the lady’s in-laws’ family but also in her marriage, the relationship that only she and her husband shared. She cannot even look him in the eye, forget about talking to him. Their marriage is not even like a marriage. It is more like a failed business deal.

                     She now helplessly watches the flame glow and touch the cheap old pot, “a wing of brightness against its blackened cheek”.
She thinks about her life. About the man with whom she was forced to marry, the house she was forcefully sent to and the future that awaited her, that is, the life which she had to spend there.

                     Paragraph four and five is all about the lady’s thoughts and her contemplation about her own life. As she watches the flame rise up and touches the cheap old pot, she even contemplates this very view. The fire gives a kind of brightness to the pot when it touches the pot and yet, it is the same fire which in the long run blackens the ‘cheek’ of the pot. She can totally relate this view to her life as marriage being the fire and her life being the pot. The marriage gives her the status of a respectable woman in the society but it is the same marriage which is the reason for most of the unhappy things in her life.

                          After much pain and contemplation, she threw the kerosene on herself. For her, it was the only escape. It was the only choice she ever had.

                        The last paragraph depicts the helplessness of the protagonist. For her, death is the only relief from this lifelong journey of pain and torture. This was the only way she could get peace and she went for it, losing her life in the bargain

                     The last three lines are the strongest lines in the poem. It depicts that she immolates herself in search for peace and escape from torture.

“Another torch, blazing in the dark
Another woman
We shield our faces from the heat”

                      Those three lines are like a separate Nanotale by itself. It talks about ‘another’ woman setting herself on fire, giving light in the dark.
‘Another’ depicts that it is a very common thing in the land. This incident could take place with any woman because the treatment is almost the same.

                   The last line shows the failure, the failure of her family, her in-Laws’ family, her husband and also the society, her family’s failure by not looking for good husband and household for her daughter and also for not paying the Dowry. Her in-Laws’ failed by treating her as an object and torturing her throughout. Her husband failed by not giving her the status, respect and treatment that a wife deserves and lastly, the society’s failure. Even after knowing everything, they just keep quiet and do not seem to bother about it, just like “shielding the faces from the heat”


                 The title of the poem is very aptly chosen as it is a very prevalent and common thing, at least in the rural areas of the Indian Subcontinent, where these customs are followed. Mrs. Dharker, being a British citizen, has written a very effective and factual poem on the customs prevalent in her land of birth and the nations around it. The title, in my opinion, is the most effective one because this treatment and this incident can happen to any woman. Any other woman. Maybe not in the western countries but here, the Indian Subcontinent, especially rural areas, any married woman can/could relate to this poem.
This poem is like the song which plays in every married woman’s head but she is scared to sing it out, due to the fear that it might just become a reality for her and in that way her very life would be at stake.

Thanks to Sri Rohan Pradhan for his contribution.

11 July 2017

Read and Reflect Activity for Formative Assessment a model

A Model Read and Reflect Activity for Formative Assessment It is an attempt to give a model Read and Reflect reporting under Formative Assessment. Here it is tried to give two models, particularly written work. One is "Review of a Story" and the other is "Review of a Poem." If you like it share the link in  your...

A Model Read and Reflect Activity for Formative Assessment

It is an attempt to give a model Read and Reflect reporting under Formative Assessment. Here it is tried to give two models, particularly written work. One is "Review of a Story" and the other is "Review of a Poem." If you like it share the link in  your social media. To download the file click the link given below.

25 June 2017


A MODEL PROJECT WORK AND IT'S REPORT FOR UNIT 1 CLASS 10 ENGLISH AND THE SUPPORTING MATERIAL Here is a model project report for the students of class ten for their English subject unit-1 for TS modified syllabus for the year 2017-18. And it is given the detailed information how to write a project report and how to...


Here is a model project report for the students of class ten for their English subject unit-1 for TS modified syllabus for the year 2017-18. And it is given the detailed information how to write a project report and how to do a project and the process of the project work. You may download it by clicking the link given below. For more updated please visit frequently to this site. Thank you.

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