17 April 2024

PUNCTUATION MARKS (.,?/()(){}-!)

 PUNCTUATION MARKS (".,?/()'(){}-!")


  1. Period (.): Used at the end of declarative sentences and statements.

    • Example: She is going to the store.
  2. Question Mark (?): Used at the end of interrogative sentences (questions).

    • Example: Where is the nearest library?
  3. Exclamation Mark (!): Used to indicate strong emotion, surprise, or emphasis.

    • Example: Wow! That was amazing!
  4. Comma (,): Used to separate items in a list, separate clauses in a sentence, before conjunctions (and, but, or, etc.), after introductory phrases, and to set off nonessential information.

    • Example: I want to buy apples, bananas, and oranges.
  5. Colon (:): Used to introduce a list, explanation, or example. Also used to separate hours and minutes in time notation.

    • Example: There are three things I love: reading, writing, and traveling.
  6. Semicolon (;): Used to connect closely related independent clauses, to separate items in a list when the items contain commas, and to clarify complex lists.

    • Example: She finished her homework; then, she went to bed.
  7. Quotation Marks (" "): Used to indicate direct speech or to enclose titles of short works, such as articles, poems, or chapters.

    • Example: He said, "I'll be there at 5 o'clock."
  8. Apostrophe ('): Used to indicate possession, contractions, and to show where letters have been omitted in contractions.

    • Example: That is Sarah's book.
  9. Parentheses (()): Used to enclose additional information that is not essential to the main point of the sentence.

    • Example: The concert (which was held outdoors) was canceled due to rain.
  10. Brackets ([]): Used to enclose editorial remarks, corrections, or explanations inserted into a quotation by someone other than the original author.

    • Example: "[The cat] ran across the street."
  11. Ellipsis (...): Used to indicate omitted words in a quotation or to create a pause or trailing off in thought.

    • Example: "I don't know... maybe we should go."
  12. Hyphen (-): Used to join words in compound nouns, compound adjectives, and numbers. Also used in some prefixes and to divide words at the end of a line.

    • Example: She has a well-paying job.
  13. Dash (—): Used to indicate a sudden change in thought or to set off information in a sentence for emphasis.

    • Example: My favourite colour—blue—is calming.
  14. Slash (/): Used to indicate alternatives, to represent "per," or to separate lines in poetry or songs.

    • Example: Please bring your pen/pencil.
  15. Braces ({}): Mainly used in technical writing or mathematics to indicate sets or groupings.

    • Example: The solution set is {x | x > 0}

These are the basic punctuation rules, but there are variations and additional rules depending on the style guide being followed and the context of the writing.



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