17 April 2024

One Word Substitutes: ఇవి చేసి కీ చదివితే మీకు ఒక మార్కు పాకెట్లో ఉన్నట్టే!



Note: Quiz చేసి SUBMIT చేసిన తరువాత SCORE బ్లూ బటన్ పై నొక్కండి. పూర్తి కీ వివరణతో ఉంటుంది.

  1. Novice - Beginner
  2. Veteran - Experienced person
  3. Beneficiary - Recipient of benefits
  4. Debtor - Person who owes money
  5. Creditor - Person to whom money is owed
  6. Orphan - Child without parents
  7. Guardian - Protector or caregiver
  8. Survivor - Person who outlives adversity
  9. Conqueror - Victor or winner
  10. Vanquished - Defeated opponent
  11. Optimist - Person who sees the bright side
  12. Pessimist - Person who expects the worst
  13. Martyr - Person who sacrifices for a cause
  14. Heroine - Female protagonist or role model
  15. Protagonist - Main character in a story
  16. Antagonist - Character opposing the protagonist
  17. Philanthropist - Person who helps others, often through charitable donations
  18. Misogynist - Person who dislikes or discriminates against women
  19. Philanderer - Person who engages in casual romantic relationships
  20. Introvert - Person who prefers solitary activities
  21. Extrovert - Person who enjoys social interactions
  22. Ambivert - Person who exhibits both introverted and extroverted traits
  23. Altruist - Person who selflessly helps others
  24. Egomaniac - Person obsessed with their own importance
  25. Narcissist - Person excessively preoccupied with themselves
  26. Pacifist - Person who opposes violence and war
  27. Bystander - Observer or onlooker
  28. Loner - Person who prefers solitude
  29. Recluse - Person who lives in seclusion
  30. Socialite - Person who is prominent in fashionable society
  31. Extremist - Person holding extreme political or religious views
  32. Centrist - Person with moderate political views
  33. Activist - Person who campaigns for social or political change
  34. Mediator - Person who resolves disputes between others
  35. Diplomat - Person skilled in managing international relations
  36. Saboteur - Person who deliberately disrupts activities or processes
  37. Accomplice - Person who helps someone commit a crime
  38. Forger - Person who creates fake documents or objects
  39. Imposter - Person who pretends to be someone else
  40. Charlatan - Person falsely claiming to have special knowledge or skills
  41. Fatalist - A person who believes in fate
  42. Centenarian - A person who is above one hundred years old
  43. Omnipresent - One who is present everywhere
  44. Mercenary - A person who can do anything for money
  45. Misogynist - One who hates women
  46. Monogamy - A practice of having one wife or husband
  47. Autobiography - A life history written by oneself
  48. Biography - A life history written by somebody else
  49. Honorary - A position for which no salary is paid
  50. Ambiguous - A sentence whose meaning is unclear

 Now, try the quiz and get confidence in using one word substitutes.


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