28 October 2023

NOT JUST A TEACHER BUT A FRIEND (Glossary, Antonyms, Synonyms and Comprehension Questions and Answers) FOR CLASS 9TH



The poem expresses gratitude and appreciation for a teacher who became not just an educator but also a trusted friend. The speaker had been going through difficult times and had nowhere to turn, but the teacher provided support and understanding. Their trust and bond grew stronger each day, and even after moving to the next grade, the friendship remained strong. The teacher's presence during tough times is what makes them more than just a 9th-grade teacher but a true friend.


  1. Trust: A belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone.
  2. True soul: The genuine essence or nature of a person.
  3. Side: Being present or supportive of someone.
  4. Grade: A level or rank in a school or educational system.
  5. Afraid: Feeling fear or anxiety.
  6. Fade: Gradually diminish in strength or intensity.
  7. Fine: In satisfactory or good condition.
  8. Shot: A sudden intense feeling or experience.
  9. Alright: In satisfactory or acceptable condition.
  10. Walk away: Leave or depart from a place.
  11. Fate: The development of events beyond a person's control.
  12. Glad: Feeling pleased or relieved.
  13. Sad: Feeling sorrow or unhappiness.


  1. Trust - Betray
  2. Stronger - Weaker
  3. Long - Short
  4. Cry - Smile
  5. There - Away
  6. Afraid - Confident
  7. Fade - Grow
  8. Sad - Glad
  9. Friend - Foe


  1. Turn - Change
  2. Trust - Faith
  3. Told - Shared
  4. Run away - Flee
  5. Hide - Conceal
  6. Soul - Spirit
  7. Long - Lengthy
  8. Stronger - Firmer
  9. Cry - Weep
  10. Side - Beside
  11. Moved - Transferred
  12. Afraid - Fearful
  13. Wrong - Incorrect
  14. Grade - Level
  15. Glad - Happy
  16. Teacher - Educator
  17. Friend - Pal

Comprehension Questions and Answers:

1.     What is the main theme or message of the passage?

Ans: The main theme of the passage is the special bond between the narrator and their teacher, who is not just a teacher but also a friend.

2.     Why did the narrator initially feel the need to run away and hide?

Ans: The narrator felt the need to run away and hide because they were going through a difficult time and didn't know where to turn.

3.     How did the teacher help the narrator bring out their true soul?

Ans: The teacher's support and understanding helped the narrator express their true self and overcome their challenges.

4.     Did the trust between the narrator and the teacher grow stronger over time?

Ans: Yes, the trust between the narrator and the teacher grew stronger as each day passed.

5.     What happened when the narrator moved to the next grade? Were their fears justified?

Ans: The narrator was initially afraid that the trust between them and the teacher would fade, but they were proven wrong as the bond remained strong.

6.     How does the teacher show concern for the narrator's well-being?

Ans: Even when the teacher doesn't have much time, they at least ask the narrator if they are fine, showing genuine concern for their well-being.

7.     What does the narrator do when they are not feeling alright?

Ans: When the narrator is not feeling alright, they put on a smile and say they are fine, but deep down they feel as though they have been shot.

8.     What makes the teacher more than just a 9th-grade teacher to the narrator?

Ans: The teacher's presence, support, and friendship make them more than just a 9th-grade teacher to the narrator.


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