11 September 2018

English - Paper-2 - Qns 19 to 32 model practice papers for classes 9 and 10

English - Paper-2 - Qns 19 to 32 model practice papers for classes 9 and 10

Question Number 19-22 : Complete the passage choosing the right words from those given below it. Each blank is numbered and for each blank four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) in your answer booklet.


At a time when it has become so important to succeed in …………….. (19) school, we shouldn’t be ……………. (20) to learn that more students are cheating than ever before. With so many of them anxious ………. (21) failing. Students also now seem to be lieve that those who cheat are unlikely ………………. (22).
19.              A) the                                      B) a                              C) an                            C) those
20.              A) surprise                               B) surprised                 C) surprises                 C) surprising
21.              A) have                                    B) had                          C) has                          C) will have
22.              A) an                                        B) a                              C) in                             C) the

            Harsha and Varsha went ……………. (19) the cinema on Saturday. ……………………. (20) was a long queue. It was a cold evening and they …………….. (21) to stand in the queue for nearly …………… (22) hour.
19.              A) to                                        B) for                           C) by                            C) into
20.              A) Their                                   B) There                      C) They                        C) The
21.              A) have                                    B) had                          C) has                          C) will have
22.              A) an                                        B) a                              C) in                             C) the

            The smoke ………….. (19) seen by the Forest Department people …………….. (20) immediately went ……………. (21) action to halt ………………… (22) fire and prevented any further damage and death.
19.              A) is                                         B) was                         C) had                          C) has
20.              A) which                                  B) when                       C) that                         C) who
21.              A) son                                      B) upon                        C) into                         C) in
22.              A) the                                      B) a                              C) an                            C) that

            When the weather is hot, the shady places ………………… (19) the best. People prefer to sit …………….. (20) a tree or in a cool room, or lif they must go out, they …………. (21) along the shady side of the street ……………… (22) is cooler in the shade then the bright sunshine so we should plant trees on either side of a street.
19.              A) is                                         B) was                         C) are                          C) were
20.              A) under                                  B) above                      C) over                                    C) below
21.              A) walking                               B) have walked           C) walk                                    C) walks
22.              A) That                                                B) What                       C) How                                    C) It

Question Number 23-28 : Read the following passage and fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the brackets and write them in your answer booklet.

Animals that are in danger of ……………… (23) (become/becoming) extinct are called endangered animals. Some of these endangered animals live in India. One is called the Indian purple frog, and it is very rare. The purple frog ………….. (24) (lives/live) in India’s Western Ghats. This unusual place has mountains, forests, Savannahs, peat bogs, and fresh water wetlands. ………… (25) (Because/Though) the Western Ghats have so much variety; it is home to a large variety of plants and animals. One of these animals, the purple frog, was only ……………. (26) (recently/rarely) discovered. Although local people knew about the frog, scientists only discovered it and …………. (27) (recalled/realized) it was a new species in 2003. The frog ……… (28) (digs/burrows) underground and eats termites.

23.   …………………………….
24.   ……………………………
25.   ……………………………
26.   ……………………………
27.   ……………………………
28.   …………………………..


                The pyramids are ………. (23) (real/really) the tombs of the old kings of Egypt who were called the Pharaohs. Do you ……….. (24) (remember/recognize) seeing the Egyptian mummies in the British Museum in London? A mummy is the dead body of a human being or animal from ……… (25) (delaying/decaying). The bodies of the Pharaohs were made into mummies when they ………… (26) (dyed/died) and were then placed inside these great pyramids. Near them were placed gold and silver ornaments and furniture and food, because it was thought that they might ………. (27) (require/required) them after death. Two or three years ago some people found the body of a Pharaoh, ………….. (28) (whose/who) name was Tutankhamen, in one of these pyramids. There were many beautiful and valuable things near him.

23.   …………………………….
24.   ……………………………
25.   ……………………………
26.   ……………………………
27.   ……………………………
28.   ……………………………


Rabindranath Tagore is …………. (23) (regarded/achieved) as one of the greatest writers in modern Indian literature. He was a Bengali poet, novelist, educator, painter, composer and singer. He became the first non-European to ………. (24) (won/win) the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 for Gitanjali pub lished in 1910. Tagore ………… (25) (is/was) born in Calcutta in a wealthy and prominent family. The Tagores were ……… (26) (pioneers/pirates) of the Bengal Renaissance and tried to combine ………. (27) (tradition/traditional) Indian culture with western ideas.

23.   …………………………….
24.   ……………………………
25.   ……………………………
26.   ……………………………
27.   ……………………………
28.   ……………………………

                Chocolates are made ………… (23) (from/by) cocoa, which grows on cocoa trees that are ………… (24) (created/ cultivated) in the forests of South America, but today these plantations are at risk. Like cocoa, there are many other plants and animals species that we use in everyday life without realizing ……… (25) (their/there) importance. The rice we eat, the clothes we wear, the rubber tires we drive on, all ……… (26) (originate/original) from plants or animals. Many of these species are under severe threat of ………. (27) (extraction/extinction). It means we are …………. (28) (losing/lessening) biodiversity.

23.   …………………………….
24.   ……………………………
25.   ……………………………
26.   ……………………………
27.   ……………………………
28.   ……………………………

Question Number 29-32 : Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.

            For ten years he lived with the wolves. Father wolf ……….. (29) (teach) him how to hunt. When he felt hot or ……….. (30) (dirt), he swam in the forest pools. Sometimes he wanted honey. Then he ………. (31) (climb) up trees as well as any monkey. He ……….. (32) (illuminate). There are some villages and ………….. (32) (learn) this from his friend Baloo, the bear.

29.                        ……………………………
30.                        ……………………………
31.                        ……………………………
32.                        ……………………………


The famous scientist Darwin …………… (29) (study) the bees for many years and said that only a stupid person would not be ………. (30) (amaze) by the structure of honey-comb. Bees invented an ……… (31) (engineer) skill of …….. (32) (build) a house.

29.                        ……………………………
30.                        ……………………………
31.                        ……………………………
32.                        ……………………………


R.K. Laxman is best ………. (29) (know) for his ………….. (30) (create) of “The Common Man” for his daily cartoon strip, “You Said It” which started in 1951 in a …………… (31) (fame) English newspaper of India. For over a half of a century, the Common Man has represented the hopes, ………….. (32) (aspire), trouble and the average India.

29.                        ……………………………
30.                        ……………………………
31.                        ……………………………
32.                        ……………………………


            Many bird species migrate to take advantage of global differences of …………. (29) (season) temperatures, therefore optimizing ………. (30)         (available) of food sources and breeding habitat. These migrations vary among the groups. Many land birds, shore birds and water birds undertake long distance migration ……. (31) (annual) usually triggered by the length of the daylight as well as weather conditions. These birds …………. (32) (characterize) by a breeding season in the tropical regions.

29.  ……………………………
30.  ……………………………
31.  ……………………………
32.  ……………………………


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