02 July 2016

Slip test for class 9 Paper 1 Section A (The snake and the mirror) (TS)

Slip test for class 9 

Paper 1 Section A 

(The snake and the mirror)

Name: …………………………………………………………………. Roll No: …………... Class IX, English, Paper-I
SECTION – A (Reading Comprehension)
Q. (1-7) Read the following passage.
The house was not electrified; it was a small rented room. I had just set up medical practice and my earnings were meagre. I had about sixty rupees in my suitcase. Along with some shirts and dhotis, I also possessed one solitary black coat which I was then wearing.
I took off my black coat, white shirt and not-so-white vest and hung them up. I opened the two windows in the room. It was an outer room with one wall facing the open yard. It had a tiled roof with long supporting gables that rested on the beam over the wall. There was no ceiling. There was a regular traffic of rats to and from the beam. I made my bed and pulled it close to the wall. I lay down but I could not sleep. I got up and went out to the veranda for a little air, but the wind god seemed to have taken time off.
I went back into the room and sat down on the chair. I opened the box beneath the table and took out a book, The Materia Medica. I opened it at the table on which stood the lamp and a large mirror; a small comb lay beside the mirror.
One feels tempted to look into a mirror when it is near. I took a look. In those days I was a great admirer of beauty and I believed in making myself look handsome. I was unmarried and was a doctor. I felt I had to make my presence felt. I picked up the comb and ran it through my hair and adjusted the parting so that it looked straight and neat. Again I heard that sound from above.

Q. (1-4) Now answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet.                                                                                     (4x1=4 Marks)
1.       The doctor’s possessions are …                                                                                                         (                     )

A.       shirts
B.       60 rupees
C.       dothis
D.       all the above

2.       Why did he go out?                                                                                                                             (                     )

A.       For some air
B.       To meet patients
C.       To meet his friend
D.       For some vegetable

3.       Pick out the correct statement from the below.                                                                            (                     )

A.       His room was electrified.
B.       It has not a tiled roof.
C.       It is a rented room.
D.       He had only two coats in his room.

4.       How many windows are there in the room?                                                                                   (                     )

A.       one
B.       two
C.       four
D.       no windows

Q. (5-7) Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each.                                          (3x2=6 Marks)
5.       What was the traffic about?

6.       Write two sentences about the room?
7.       Why couldn’t he sleep?


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