05 June 2016

Parts of Speech

Introduction to Parts of Speech

If we observe the title of the lesson ‘Parts of Speech’, we could understand that there are two important words to be understood. They are ‘Parts’ and ‘Speech.” As we know the word ‘part’ i.e., ‘some but not all of a thing’ and the word ‘Speech’ i.e., sentence. Hence ‘Parts of Speech’ is to be understood that ‘Parts of Sentence.’
So when we think of parts of speech we must think of parts of sentence. We know a sentence is constructed by two major parts: the subject and the predicate. The subject is built by one or more words or a phrase. In the same manner a predicate is also built by a word (verb) or more words along with a verb. (To read more about Subject and Predicate click here)
Finally we come to a conclusion that a sentence consists of one or more words; actually they are the parts of sentence. (Remember it is an introductory article on Parts of Speech. Search this site for detailed individual parts of speech later or follow us for updates.)
For instance:
1.     Srikanth is a very good runner. (6 words of a sentence)
2.     Silence! (1 word of a sentence)
3.     May god bless you! (4 words of a sentence)
4.     This is the article that you are eagerly studying to learn something about the parts of speech of English grammar. (20 words of a sentence)
Note: We’ve to keep it in mind that any isolated word that is not part of a sentence doesn’t belong to any kind of part of speech.
In English grammar the words of a sentence are grouped into eight (8) according to its function.
They are:
1.     Noun
2.     Pronoun
3.     Adjective
4.     Verb
5.     Adverb
6.     Preposition
7.     Conjunction and
8.     Interjection

1.      Noun: A noun is a naming word in a sentence, naming word of a person, place, thing or an idea.
For example:
Shivani is a student. (Shivani and student are names of a people - noun)
Hyderabad is a big city. (Hyderabad and city are names of places - noun)
This is a teak wooden table. (Table is the name of a thing – noun)
Friendship lasts forever. (Friendship is the name of an idea – noun)
2.      Pronoun: A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun in a sentence.
For example:
Anil is a teacher of Mathematics. He teaches well. Students love his teaching. They prefer to stay more time in his class.
He and his are used instead of Anil. They is used instead of students.
3.      Adjective: An adjective is a word that says something about a noun i.e. the noun’s quality, quantity, colour, number, size, shape, origin etc.
For example:
This is a rose. (noun)
It is a beautiful rose.
It is a beautiful red rose.
It is a beautiful red Arabian rose.
A, beautiful, red and Arabian are the words that tells the number, quality, colour, and origin of the rose. Hence they are adjectives in those sentences.
4.      Verb: A verb is the heart of a sentence. It tells the action or state of the subject in the sentence.
For example:
You are reading ‘Parts of Speech’ article now.
Let’s learn the parts of speech in detail in the next individual articles.
This is an introductory article about ‘Parts of Speech.’
5.      Adverb: An adverb is a word that qualifies or says something about a verb or an adjective or another adverb.
For example:
He runs fast. (Qualifies the verb run)
You are very smart student. (Qualifies the adjective smart)
He runs too fast. (Qualifies the adverb fast)
6.      Preposition: The preposition is a word that connects a noun or noun phrase or a pronoun with another word in a sentence.
For example:
The cat is on the table.
You sat in an arm chair.
They quarreled among themselves.
7.      Conjunction: It is a word that connects words, phrases or clauses in a sentence.
For example:
Shivani reads and writes English. (Connects two words)
There is fight between a beautiful rose and an adventurous ant. (Connects two phrases)
Someone knocked at the door while we were having our lunch. (Connects two clauses)
8.      Interjection: An interjection is word that is used to show a sudden feeling or emotion in a sentence. It doesn’t mean anything but emotion or feeling.
For example:
Hey! How are you?
Alas! He was injured severely.
Hurrah! India won the match.

Each part of speech is separately discussed in detail in individual articles here after.  


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